How to Prevent Brain Cancer

The doctors or other medical personnel actually have not specifically know how the cause of brain cancer. Similarly, how to prevent brain cancer is still just a study. But some of these studies do not hurt to be done as a preventive measure against brain cancer:

1. Filtering Faucet Water

One of the things that can be done to reduce exposure to materials containing carcinogens. A recent report by the President's Cancer Panel on how to reduce exposure to carcinogens, by filtering the faucet that will make it safer than direct bottled water, whose quality may not be better. 

2. Spice Season Before Baking Meat

Meat baked in maturity level may contain causes of heterocyclic amine cancer, which is formed when meat at high temperatures and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons enter the food when it is roasted. "The recommendation for reducing grilled meats has really solid scientific evidence and it is expressed by a professor of carcinogenesis at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Cheryl Lyn Walker, PhD," If it is possible to bake meat, add the spices to the spices favorite and soak the meat for at least an hour before cooking. Antioxidant-rich spices can cut HCA by 87%, according to a study at Kansas State University.

3. Coffee Consumption

Drinking coffee as much as 5 cups or more has a 40% reduced risk of brain cancer, compared with people who drank less in a study in the UK in 2010. The researchers mentioned that coffee is a stronger protector against cancer than tea, British researchers also said that coffee can provide protection against brain cancer.

4. Avoid Exposure to Specific Substances

Sometimes, areas located near manufacturing can dispose of chemicals into the air. According to the American Cancer Association, exposure to radiation therapy in the head, is considered a major cause of childhood cancer. Children who were previously treated with low-dose radiation methods due to certain conditions may increase the risk of brain cancer . The American Cancer Society added that radiation treatment for other cancers can cause brain tumors, so radiation for treatment in minor conditions is no longer used in children or adults.

Also Read : Brain Cancer Stage 3: Symptoms, Drawings, Diagnosis, and Treatment

5. Healthy Food Consumption

Consumption of foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids such as fish and lean meats. In addition, vegetables and fruits such as broccoli, beans, spinach, apples, oranges and pineapples are rich in antioxidants, to prevent cancer and a number of other diseases. In addition, there are also a number of vitamins that support the functioning of the brain and body healthy. According to the American Cancer Society, a diet high in vegetables and fruits has been linked in its effects to reduce certain cancers.

6. Limit Alcohol Consumption

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center states that, excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking can cause certain diseases that can put a person at risk of cancer. Metastic brain tumors are located in other parts of the body and can spread to the brain through the bloodstream. For example, if someone who has lung cancer from smoking, it is likely that the cancer can spread and spread to the brain. Similarly, excessive alcohol can also cause liver disease that can spread to the brain as well.

7. Avoid Phones Near the Head

Use the phone only when making short calls or for messaging. Use your phone to use hands free to avoid energy from radio frequencies that emit radiation to the head. Although evidence that cell phones may increase the risk of brain cancer has not been consistently proven, but a number of research reviews indicate a relationship. The point is that it is better to stay away from any risk, than unwanted things happen.

8. Visit the Doctor Regularly

Regular physical examination is well done, especially if you experience characteristics of brain cancer or abnormal symptoms. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders reports that, identification of brain tumors in the early stages is essential to prevent brain cancer.

Natural Ingredients Of Brain Cancer Prevention

Recent research has revealed that some types of natural treatments, effective in prevention and even brain tumors. Here are some of them :

1. Organic Juices Vegetables and Fruits

Fruit juice plays an important role as a cancer prevention food. Fresh juice made from broccoli, kale and spinach is a source of natural foods rich in minerals, proteins, vitamins, and enzymes.

2. Folic Acid

Foods rich in folic acid can prevent the spread of cancer cells. It is advisable to include about 400 mg of folic acid in your daily diet. Folic acid can be obtained from foods such as:
•    Spinach
•    Green leafy vegetables
•    Nuts
•    Rice
•    and fruits such as oranges, berries and so on.

3. Antioxidants

The antioxidant content in some foods can help to prevent brain cancer. Antioxidants found in fruits such as blueberries, grapes, strawberries and will provide more benefits, in fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits will be better eaten in a raw natural form. In addition, aAntioksidan also present on the skin of fruits such as apples and oranges.

4. Indirubin

This herbal substance has been used in traditional medicine to beat brain tumors. Indirubin is obtained from Indigo plant. Studies show that Indirubin works by targeting a process called angiogenesis, a process that involves the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing vessels.

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