9 Benefits of Boiled Cassava For The Most Powerful Cancer

Cassava is a very common and easy to find food in Indonesia. Yes, for some people in this homeland, cassava served as staple food substitute for rice. Carbohydrate content is high enough to meet the needs of carbohydrates and used as a source of energy. Cassava is cheaper than rice, therefore some circles there who consider trivial to cassava and are reluctant to eat it. Though cassava is believed to prevent and help treat cancer naturally.

About Cancer

Cancer can occur due to many factors, but in this modern age the most dominant cause of cancer is junk food and poor lifestyle. Cancer always has symptoms, but in the early stages of the symptoms are often not felt so that the patient did not realize it. After entering the advanced stage then known there are cancer cells that develop in the body. Unfortunately the treatment will become more difficult as it could be the cancer cells have spread. Even so there is still a way that can be done to get healing even though it takes a longer time. 
Treatment of cancer can be done medically or using herbs. There are many patients who are afraid to undergo surgery and chemotherapy chooses to try treatment using herbal medicines. With the findings about the benefits of cassava for cancer , of course this is a new hope for cancer patients to try to undergo treatment naturally. Cassava is known to overcome bladder cancer and prostate cancer, but it does not mean cassava does not affect other cancer. Cassava, especially processed by boiling way can also help prevent the emergence of cancer cells in the body.

Cassava stew is very easy to prepare, and does not require a long time. Although there is no further research on the clarity of these benefits, it never hurts to get used to eating boiled cassava. So what can be done boiled cassava to fight cancer cells? What about the work process? Let's see the following explanation. 

1. Boiled Cassava Can Treat Cancer

Cassava contains vitamin B17 or commonly called amygdaline , which is a compound in the form of glycosides. Vitamin 17 can be extracted, and the result of the extraction is called laetrile . Until now, laetrile compounds are often used as medicines in curing cancer by medical teams. Vitamin B17 serves to facilitate the decomposition and absorption of nutrients in the body. Boiled cassava is also often become one of the foods that serve as a menu for patients with cancer in the hospital.

2. Cassava Boil Powerful Killing Cancer Cells

Cancer cells are immature cells, which have different enzymes than normal cell enzymes. If vitamin B17 is incorporated with a normal cell enzyme, then the vitamin will be broken down into 3 sugars. Meanwhile, if vitamin B17 is combined with cancer cell enzymes, then the vitamin will be described in the form of 1 sugar, 1 benzaldehyde and 1 hydrocyanic acid. Hydrocyanic acid that is formed will attack and kill cancer cells locally to complete. The efficacy of boiled cassava is almost the same as apricot seeds that also contain vitamin B17.

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3. Cooperation Between Vitamin B17 and Other Vitamins In Overcoming Cancer Cells

In some tests in the laboratory, it is known that vitamin B17 can work continuously and interrelated with some vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B15, vitamin C, and vitamin E. In addition vitamin B17 can also work with pancreatic enzymes to break down cancer cells in body. Therefore, vitamin B17 not only attacks cancer cells directly, but also synergize with other vitamins and enzymes to eliminate cancer cells.

4. Cassava Boil Beneficial As Anti-Cancer

Boiled cassava not only helps remove cancer cells in the patient's body, but also helps prevent cancer cells from developing and developing. The benefits are derived from vitamin B17 or glycosides contained in cassava. By consuming cassava especially boiled regularly then we have taken precautions against cancer.

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5. Other Benefits from Cassava Boil

Cassava is efficacious in fighting cancer cells, but there are many other properties that need to be known for us more like to consume them. Some of the benefits of boiled cassava for health include:
  • Source of vitamin B complex - Cassava contains vitamin B complex which includes vitamin B17, vitamin B6, thiamin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, and riboflavin. The benefits of these vitamins are to help the formation of red blood cells, protect nerve cells, help metabolism, and improve brain function. Of course, including inhibiting the growth of cancer cells thanks to vitamin B17nya content.
  • Energy Sources - The content of cassava carbohydrates is not inferior to rice. Therefore it is not wrong to make cassava as one of staple food. Cassava can also produce energy thanks to its carbohydrate content. 
  • Contain Important Minerals - The body not only requires vitamins but also some minerals that support various processes in the body. Cassava also contains several types of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, and manganese. Potassium is known to regulate the rhythm of the heartbeat and stabilize blood pressure. 
  • Cassava Rich in Fiber - Many benefits are obtained if you want to apply the right lifestyle and diet. One of the right diet is to pay attention to the fiber content in each type of food. Fortunately cassava has fiber content that can help digestion, prevent cholesterol and stabilize blood pressure.
Cassava stew can indeed provide tremendous benefits for the body, but must be considered the type and how to process it right. If there is a mistake it is not impossible that the patient will get sick or even more serious health problems.

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Good Cassava Criteria and How to Cultivate it

In certain types there are cassava that contains high enough toxins, so it takes vigilance when you want to consume cassava. However, cassava is usually sold in the market is safe to eat. A good cassava is fresh, fresh and no blue streaks or grayish lines. Well, for processing should follow as the following description:
1.    Boil fresh cassava and fresh
2.    Boil in a pan without a lid, aiming for excess hydrocyanic acid to evaporate
3.    Avoid the use of salt or any flavor enhancers for the benefits of boiled cassava increasingly felt
4.    Avoid consuming ginger or ginger-related products, at least within 8 hours.
That is the property of boiled cassava for cancer that needs to be known. Although there is no empirical data that justify the benefits, boiled cassava can be a healthy snack that must exist at home. May be useful.

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