Characteristics of Brain Cancer Stage 4 Most Dangerous

The brain is one of the most vital organs found in the body and belongs to the central nervous system. Therefore, the role of the brain is very important for the continuity of the function of other organs. In addition to its role is so important, the brain was fully responsible for all body movements, reflexes, and all other body activities. The intellectual resources, intelligence, level of creativity, and the ability of one's thinking are in this organ. The more often a person sharpens his brain then he will become more logical in thinking
Given the importance of the role of the brain in the human body, it is no wonder someone will become anxious if you experience a little disorder in this organ. Like some other organs, the brain is very likely to be attacked by various disorders and even dangerous diseases. Stroke is one example of a disease that attacks the brain organs and if it is entering the final stage, then a person affected by stroke will be difficult in doing activities because some cells in the brain has been disrupted. In addition to stroke, there are still some other diseases that can attack this organ. One of which is also dangerous is brain cancer.

In general, cancer is interpreted as a condition where cells in the body grows abnormally. The cells in the brain also have an opportunity to experience such conditions. Causes vary, but most of the causes of brain cancer still can not be known with certainty so that further examination is needed. Cancer that attacks the body including the brain consists of 4 stages, namely stage 1 which is an early stage, stage 2 and 3 which is an advanced stage, and stage 4 which is the final stage. Any organ that is attacked by cancer, if it has entered stage 4 means that the cancer has metastasize or spread to other parts / organs outside the body organs that have cancer. In stage 4 brain cancer conditions are so. Then, if you have entered the final stages of what are the symptoms of brain cancer? Here are some of them.

1.    Bleeding On Nose

Bleeding that occurs in the nose or nosebleed can actually happen to anyone including children. But if someone does not suffer from any illness, bleeding on the nose will only happen occasionally. Another case with stage 4 brain cancer patients, this condition is an indication that the disease is so severe that it can cause blood out of the nose abruptly. The release of blood from the nose in a 4th stage brain cancer patient can occur repeatedly in a day, maybe even more than five times. If it is in such conditions, it would be better if the treatment of patients can be more attention again so that his life can be helped.

Also Read :  Brain Cancer Stage 3: Symptoms, Drawings, Diagnosis, and Treatment

2.    Vomiting blood

In addition to bleeding on the nose or nosebleeds, a 4th stage brain cancer patients will experience symptoms of vomiting blood. Such conditions can usually occur if the patient is experiencing excessive stress. Similarly, bleeding in the nose, vomiting blood in patients with brain cancer can also occur several times a day. If the patient often has vomiting blood, should give enough water to avoid dehydration due to the condition. 

3.    Headache

Another characteristic of stage 4 brain cancer is that patients often experience headaches. Headache is a fairly normal condition and everyone must have experienced it. But this classic symptom is also an indication that brain cancer suffered by a person has reached the final stage. Beware if headaches occur accompanied by migraines, headaches are experienced, headaches are experienced when waking up in the morning, and headaches are accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, seizures, and difficulty speaking. 

4.    Body Can not be Moved

As mentioned earlier, the brain is a very important organ to perform all the functions of other organs in the body as well as all activities. Therefore if the brain is attacked by cancer then the function of the brain will be disrupted so that it can affect the performance of other organs and also interfere with the smoothness of one's activities. Under normal conditions, the cells in the brain always send various commands on the body. But in the condition of the brain affected by cancer cells, these commands can not be delivered properly on some other body parts. As a result, the coordination of gestures will be disrupted and not infrequently some parts of the body becomes difficult or even can not be moved as usual. 

5.    Blurred and Hearing Loss

These brain cells affected by stage 4 cancer will make the performance of the sense of sight and the sense of hearing loss. Such conditions because the brain function is not optimal due to cancer cells are increasingly malignant and further impact on the decreasing function of other organs in the body such as eyes and ears. The reduced performance of these two organs can be marked by blurred vision and poor hearing (deafness). Even in some cases, people can also experience color blindness. 

6.    Amnesia

Stage 4 is the final stage for the course of cancer, including brain cancer. At this stage a variety of performance degradation of various organs of the body began to disrupt one by one. In some cases, brain cancer sufferers often forget memory. Patients will be difficult to remember who he is and also the people around him. This can certainly happen because of the ability to remember a person is in the brain, and when the organ is able to do this is attacked by cancer then the cells also experience interference. As a result the memory in the brain disappeared little by little and make the patient into forgetful memory.

7.    Difficult to Speak

The next symptom that can occur in patients with stage 4 brain cancer is difficulty speaking. Such conditions are certainly caused by nerve cells in the brain that regulate the ability to speak someone suffered from a cancer attack so that the patient will be difficult to speak. 
That's a brief review of some of the characteristics or symptoms of stage 4 brain cancer. Although the theory says that cancer patients at this stage have a smaller life expectancy, but people with stage 4 brain cancer should not despair to stay alive. Because if treatment continues to be done routinely, did not rule out the patient will be able to recover from this dangerous disease. Hopefully this information can add knowledge and benefit to you.

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