Beware of Disease Complications from Obesity

Obesity is not a problem with being overweight. High levels of fat give an excessive burden on the bones and organs in the body and risk causing blockages in blood vessels that can cause disease. In the long term, this condition increases the risk of various chronic complications.

Obesity is a condition where there is excess fat tissue in the body, in other words obesity. This is caused by high calorie intake, especially from fatty food sources and high sugar which is not processed into energy through activities such as sports. When food intake is high in excess calories, the body will store excess calories in the form of fat tissue. However, the condition of obesity is complex, meaning various factors can trigger obesity ranging from heredity, unhealthy eating patterns, psychological stress, consumption of drugs or suffering from certain diseases, and lifestyles that rarely exercise.

The way to determine it is quite simple, namely by calculating the Body Mass Index (BMI) with the formula for body weight in kilograms divided by height in two meter units (BB / TB 2 ). For the Indonesian population the range of normal weight is 17.0-23.0 for women and 18.0-25.0 for men. Mild obesity if the BMI number is around 23.0-27.0 for women and 25.0-27.0 for men. Obesity is said to be when BMI exceeds 27.0 for women and men. If left unchecked, over time this disease will cause various complications.
In the medical world, complications are unexpected conditions that arise after certain situations, such as illness, treatment, or medical procedures. This condition complicates the existing situation. Then complications are diseases that can arise as a result of certain diseases and aggravate the previous condition.

A variety of diseases that can arise

In general, obesity and obesity complications affect a person's overall quality of life and can even shorten life expectancy. Not a few people who are obese feel social isolation, depression , shame, guilt, to the low achievement of work.
One of the many diseases associated with obesity is type 2 diabetes . The relationship between obesity and diabetes lies in insulin resistance , when the body cannot use insulin effectively. As a result, blood sugar levels increase.
In addition, obese people are more at risk of experiencing various complications of the following diseases:
  • Hypertension.
  • Heart disease. 
  • Stroke . 
  • Gallbladder disease. 
  • Osteoarthritis . 
  • Chronic low back pain. 
  • Periodontitis or gum disease. 
  • Skin disorders such as infection or inflammation of the skin folds. 
  • High triglycerides and levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol 
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease : accumulation of fat in the liver. 
  • Metabolic syndrome is a combination of hypertension, high sugar levels, high triglycerides, and low HDL cholesterol.
For women who are obese, they may experience irregular periods and infertility. While obese men are at risk of experiencing sexual health problems and erectile dysfunction.
Pregnant women who are obese are also more at risk of developing preeclampsia , urinary tract infections, older pregnancies, postpartum infections, complications of Caesarean section, and disorders during labor.
In addition, the risk of surgery and post-surgery in obese people will increase, such as the risk of blood clots, infections in surgical wounds, and pulmonary embolism . These conditions are serious complications that are at high risk of causing death, especially in obese people.

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Triggers Respiratory Disorders

Respiratory disorders in obese people, such as sleep apnea . This condition can stop breathing several times during sleep. This happens because the tissue at the base of the throat cannot open the airways due to obesity. This condition can trigger several diseases such as hypertension, heart failure, heart disease, arrhythmia, memory or cognitive disorders, depression, anxiety, GERD , and the most fatal complications of death.

In addition, other respiratory disorders due to obesity include obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) , which is the body's inability to breathe deeply, causing high carbon dioxide and low oxygen levels in the blood . This situation is caused by being overweight which squeezes the chest cavity and disturbs the brain's control of breathing. Symptoms can be poor quality sleep, frequent daytime sleepiness, depression, headaches, and fatigue.

Closely Associated with Cancer

Obesity is associated with various cancers such as endometrial cancer, colon and anal cancer, breast cancer, kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer, gallbladder cancer, and thyroid cancer.
This condition is thought to be motivated by various possibilities below:
  • Obese people generally have high insulin levels which can trigger several types of cancer.
  • Fat cells produce high levels of estrogen which cause certain types of cancer. These cells also influence tumor growth and the production of the hormone adipokine which stimulates cell growth. 
  • Cancer risk can increase because obese people experience mild, chronic inflammation.
If it has caused complications, these conditions need to be treated immediately with obesity. Slowly but steadily reducing weight is the recommended method. The method can be by changing your diet by increasing the intake of grains, vegetables, fruit, fish, and lean meat. Limit consumption of fat, especially saturated fat and alcohol. Regular exercise with moderate intensity such as swimming, walking relaxed, or cycling for 20-30 minutes per day and do it regularly. After exercise, the body will feel hungry, when hungry choose foods with balanced nutrition that are low in fat. And eat in adequate portions. A combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise are the main choices for losing weight.

The use of drugs to reduce weight is another step if with the previous method ideal weight is difficult to achieve, or if obese sufferers also find conditions such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, or stroke. The use of drugs to reduce weight in the purpose of beauty is not recommended.

The list of complications from obesity above proves that this condition should not be allowed. Obesity and diseases that arise as a complication of this condition need to be treated, such as maintaining blood pressure or blood sugar levels so that it is not too high with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and medication if needed.

Consult your condition to the doctor for treatment of weight loss with good diet and exercise counseling, weight-loss drugs if needed, until surgery if there are indications. One indication of surgery is extreme BMI (> 40.0) or if other methods have been tried but cannot lose weight. The surgical technique to overcome obesity is usually done is bariatric surgery, with the aim of its operation is to shrink the size of the stomach and slow the digestive process. But this surgery can cause various complications such as thrombosis, anemia, and impaired absorption of nutrients. No less important is changing lifestyles to be healthier by renewing healthy eating, resting and regular exercise.

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