Symptoms of Brain Cancer

Symptoms of brain cancer may variation, ranging from headache to stroke. Different parts of the brain control different functions, so symptoms of brain cancer can vary greatly depending on the location. The best way to look at whether you have a brain tumor is to do a scan.

Symptoms of brain cancer may include, among others:
  •  a seizure (new) attack in adults
  •  loss of movement or sensation in the arms or legs gradually
  • easily faltered / lost balance, especially when associated with headaches
  • loss of vision in one or both eyes, especially those that are more peripheral.
  • blurred vision, especially if associated with headache
  • hearing loss with or without dizziness
  • loss of speech ability gradually
Other possible symptoms may include morning sickness, vomiting and disorientation, and memory loss (dementia).

Headache: Although headache is probably the most common symptom of brain tumors, most people who have headaches (even very heavy) - do not have tumors. However, some types of headaches are very worrying. Severe headaches that tend to worsen in the morning, persistent headaches associated with nausea or vomiting, or headaches accompanied by blurred vision, weakness, or numbness, may lead to brain cancer.

Also Read :  The Treatment of Brain Cancer

Brain Cancer Detection

How to detect brain cancer usually involves neurological examination, brain scan, and / or brain tissue analysis. Doctors use diagnostic information to classify brain cancers from the most aggressive (benign) to the most aggressive (malignant).

Neurological examination : is a series of tests to measure the functioning of the nervous system and the patient's physical and mental alertness. If the response to the exam is not normal, the doctor will perform a brain scan.

A brain scan : A special machine will take a picture of the brain, by shooting from different angles (like a digital camera).Some types of scans use contrast agents (or contrast dyes), which help doctors see the difference between normal and abnormal brain tissue. The contrast material is injected into the blood vessels and flows into the brain tissue. Diseased (abnormal) brain tissue absorbs more dye from healthy (normal) brain tissue. The most commonly used scans for diagnosis are: MRI, CT scan and PET scan.

Brain cell biopsy: is a mild surgical procedure in which brain tissue samples are taken from a cancer site and examined under a microscope. The purpose of a biopsy is to find the type and grade of the cancer. Biopsy is the most accurate method to fishmemast is the presence or absence of brain cancer .

An open biopsy is performed during craniotomy. A craniotomy involves the operation of opening a small portion of the skull bone to gain access to the brain. Once the cancer is removed completely or partially, the bone is usually returned to its place.
A closed biopsy (also called stereotactic biopsy or needle biopsy) can be performed when the tumor is in an inaccessible area of the brain. In closed biopsy, the neurosurgeon makes a small hole into the skull bone and passes a narrow hollow needle to the tumor to remove a sample of tumor tissue.

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