Brain Cancer Stage 2: Symptoms, Drawing, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Brain Cancer Disease is divided into two types: Primary Brain Cancer and Secondary Brain Cancer. Primary Brain Cancer is a brain cancer that originated from the growth of tumors in the brain directly. While Secondary Brain Cancer is a brain cancer originating from parts or other organs in which the tumor spreads to the brain. Until now the cause of the growth or the occurrence of Brain Cancer is not known. Let's discuss Brain Cancer Stage 2.

Preview & Indication

Brain Cancer Stage 2 has differences with levels of other Brain Cancer. It becomes a process of Brain Cancer cells that grow to look like other cells but give changes to the body work system of the patient. Unlike the level of other stages as well as different from the condition of the patient or the patient. In general, patients or patients with Brain Cancer Stadium 2 began to feel there is something wrong and some consult a doctor different from the Stadium 1 which is mostly unaware because there are no specific symptoms.

Symptoms of Brain Cancer stage 2

Usually the patient initially feel the symptoms - Brain Cancer Stadium 2. Among them:
•    Vomiting for no apparent reason
•    Easily feel tired even if only a little activity.
•    Easy to drowsy and evaporates a lot. This is because the work of oxygen is not smooth to get to the brain.
For patients Brain Cancer Stadium 2 partially can be cured if the treatment is precise and fast treatment. Stage to undergo treatment between each patient is different.

Stage Diagnosis of Brain Cancer Stage 2

Here's the stage how the journey of patients with Brain Cancer Stadium 2 from start doctor diagnosis, checking, until healing:

1.) Interview Stage

Before the doctor really - to really sentence someone or his patients as patients with Brain Cancer disease, the doctor will first conduct interviews terhdap the patient. The doctor will inquire and find out why the patient may be suspected of Stage 2 Brain Cancer disease. There are several factors that can support:

•    Genetic factors

There are some patients who are attacked by Cancer disease because it has a genetic factor in which there are families, especially their parents are also stricken with the disease. So it is difficult to avoid not affected by cancer.

•    Environmental factor

The doctor will also ask how we live. There are many Brain Cancer sufferers who are caught by cancer due to a work environment or a bad place to live. For example, working or living around the Rubber Production Industry, Petroleum Industry, and others.

•    Lifestyle factors

Apart from genetic factors and environmental factors, patients will also be asked how their lifestyle. Do too often use gadgets for a long time, the use of mobile phones are too long, smoking, experiencing head trauma, or suffering from HIV disease. Because all of that can be a supporter and trigger Cancer cells to grow.
After conducting the interview, the doctor will begin to give a diagnosis to the patient.

Also Read : Brain Cancer Stage 3: Symptoms, Drawings, Diagnosis, and Treatment

2.) Doctors advice and references

After knowing about factors and triggers, the doctor will advise and give a reference letter to perform various tests. Mulaidari CT Scan ( Computerizd Tomography ), MRI ( Magnetic Resonance Imaging ), and Physical Test. The doctor will write his own reference to the Radiology section, what test injection should be given as well as information to be sought by the Radiology.

3.) Diagnosis

At this stage the doctor will again think carefully about the results of the interview in the form of trigger factors and also see the results of tests from the Radiology. Then they will give a clear diagnosis. Already on the level of cancer of the patient's brain and where the Cancer cell is located.

4.) Treatment

Doctors who have given diagnosis and verdict of Brain Cancer Stadium 2 on the patient will certainly advise against treatment. For treatment they will first see which treatment is suitable to see the condition of Brain Cancer is also the health condition of the patient. Usually for Stadium 2, treatment can be through surgery and other medical assistance. Other treatments are Radiotherapy, Radiosurgery, Chemotheraphy. Hyperthermia, and Immunotherapy. Here are the different ways of treatment:
  1. Surgery: Treatment by eliminating and wasting Cancer or tumor from the brain so as not to spread to other parts as well so as not to enlarge.
  2. Radiotherapy: Treatment using high radiation aid in order to make Cancer cells or tumors become weak and no longer developing. 
  3. Radiosurgery: Treatment that aims to remove Cancer cells or tumors in which the location of the cell is difficult to reach so that its operation should be assisted with Gamma Knives. 
  4. Chemotherapy: Treatment with the help of drug injections that are shown directly on the cell where the aim is to turn the cell slowly. Drugs for Brain Cancer Stage 2 with other different - different. 
  5. Hyperthermia: Treatment by heating. 
  6. Immunotherapy: Treatment that uses immune cell media to be guided in order to fight and kill cancer cells or tumors.
If the patient can receive and want to do the treatment, usually the patients with Brain Cancer Stadium 2 can be cured. It all depends on the patient's ability such as inner resilience as well as on costs. Because not a few people with Brain Cancer who mengami decline or feel down when they know that they suffer from Brain Cancer Stadium 2. Though it can make treatment disrupted. That's why doctors usually ask families and relatives as well as friends to continue to encourage and motivate the patient or patient continue to eager to heal.

Effects of Brain Cancer Treatment Stage 2

The effects of various treatments depend on the patient's body reaction or the patient. For the stage of surgery is certainly the same as any other surgery where the patient will first experience a decrease in metabolism. For treatment that uses radiation and special drugs, it usually makes the patient's body react like a body weight to rise or fall, stomach feeling nauseous, and hair loss. The doctor will adjust to the patient's body reaction and will stop the treatment if the patient's body rejects it.

Brain Cancer Stage 2 will be easy to continue to Stage 3 because of the physical condition of patients who declined since knowing the disease is different from the Stage 1 which most still feel healthy and strong body.

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