6 Traditional Medicinal Plants For Urinary Tract Infection

Kinjal is one of the most important organs in our body. This organ serves to filter out the harmful substances in the body contained in the blood through the urine or urine.

Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection

Maybe among readers already tika salty again with his name anyang-anyangan, is not it?
Or Do my friends ever feel sick and uncomfortable while urinating?
Anyang-anyangan is one sign of the symptoms of urinary tract infections. More details refer to the following symptoms:
  • Urine that comes out like blood or cloudy.
  • Addictive back and forth to the bathroom, To urinate
  • When urinating, urine is not much out, and a lot happening even accompanied by pain or pain in the genitals.
  • Urine smells unpleasant.
  • The lower abdomen around the genitals will feel uncomfortable cramps.
  • Body temperature will rise so that often the patient becomes fever.

Causes of Urinary Tract Infection and How to Prevent it

If friends have one or more of the above symptoms, then you may be infected with the urinary tract.
There are several possibilities that cause you to get infected with the urinary tract , such as
  • Escherichia coli bacteria
  • Does not clean the genitals properly 
  • It is advisable to urinate after sexual intercourse 
  • Lack of mineral water consumption
As for preventing this disease you simply with
  • Maintain genital hygiene
  • Sufficient water needs in the body 
  • Do not urinate, and this is what happens most often to us and can increase the risk of contracting this disease. 
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And stay away from all the things that cause urinary tract infections like the one we gave above.

Traditional Medicinal Plants For Urinary Tract Infection

After reading the symptoms, causes and how to prevent urinary tract infections above Are you exposed to urinary tract infections?
If the disease is not treated immediately, it will cause a more dangerous disease that is kidney disease.
Even in more severe cases, the patient may experience kidney failure. In many cases, urinary tract infections are usually more common in women.
This is caused because the location of the urethra and anus in women close together. To treat traditional or natural urinary tract infections, friends can use the following ingredients.

1.    Ginger

Ginger is one of the effective and reliable natural remedies for the treatment of urinary tract infections.
Gingerol content that is ginger in ginger is an antibacterial agent that can inhibit the spread of bacteria in the kidney.
While To cure this urinary tract infection, you can consume ginger wedang regularly until your condition starts to improve.

2.    Take vitamin C, but not oranges

Do not get me wrong !! You are asked not to consume oranges, but you can look for other alternatives that still contain vitamin C.
The alternative is in the fruits that are green or the most easily tomato.
When you consume vitamin C, it causes your urine acid and it is good for reducing the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.

3.    Apple cider vinegar

In addition to the above material keda, you can use vinegar or apple cider in the apotik. How to make it is to mix the two ingredients, honey and apple cider vinegar.
The first step, mix 2 tablespoons honey with 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar. Drink this herb every day until your condition improves.

4.    Aloe vera

Aloe vera can help effectively remove toxins from the body through optimal cleaning mechanisms.
One way that you can do to treat a urinary tract infection naturally is to consume aloe vera juice twice a day on a regular basis. 

5.    Cranberry

Cranberry juice can be an alternative natural remedy for urinary tract infections.
Kangandungan fruktosa and monosaccharide contained in juz Cranberry is very good for health.
Or it could also mengkonsumsi fruit or vegetables that contain D-Mannose. D-Mannose itself is a kind of sugar or glucose contained in berries, apples, and peaches.
Need friends know, this cranberry juice treatment technique has been found since 1920n.
Based on Cochrane meta-analysis by Jepson and Craig in the journal Cranberry-Containing Products for Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections in Susceptible Populations in 2012, it can be concluded that compounds in cranberries are able to reduce some symptoms of urinary tract infections.

6.    Turmeric

Turmeric is a few of the powerful medicinal plants in treating urinary tract infections as well as speed up the recovery process of patients.
The content of curcumin contained in turmeric is believed to be a powerful anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal agent capable of inhibiting the growth and spread of all types of microbes.

Here are 6 traditional remedies and natural ways to treat urinary tract infections. Hopefully these helpful tips, warm regards infosana.net! And do not forget to always maintain the health of your intimate area.

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