The Hazards of HP Radiation is Cause Brain Cancer

Mobile is one of the most commonly used communication tools of this time. Along with the development of information, even more sophisticated mobile phones are also where the sophistication of this phone is commonly known in the form of a smartphone . Who does not know the smartphone ? With the design and features it has, such mobile phones are increasingly sought after by people, especially for businessmen.
But unfortunately behind the splendor owned by mobile phones , stored danger that is rarely known by the owner. One of the greatest dangers is HP's radiation that causes brain cancer . Here's more reviews.

Research About HP Radiation

A study revealed that the radiation produced by cell phones, could be the cause of brain cancer. Many experts also specify that mobile phones are included in the category of objects that have a high risk for health that is equated with pesticides, exhaust gasoline and coffee. The findings have been announced by IARC or the International Agency for Research on Cancer under WHO after conducting several weeks of research.
The study found that mobile phone electromagnetic radiation can trigger brain cancer. The high intensity of mobile phone use resulted in an increased risk of glioma, a form of malignant brain cancer. Still want to be investigated further, panel member Kurt Straif said that the highest exposure to radiation is when the phone is used to call. Meanwhile, if using SMS short message or by using a hands-free device or headset will minimize exposure to radiation caused.

HP Radiation Process

The working mechanism of mobile phones, basically done by sending a signal to the tower closest to using radio frequency waves (the same shape with FM radio and microwave ). Mobile that generate electromagnetic waves can indeed be absorbed in the body. This wave affects signal strength and sound clarity. Energy absorbed by the body from electromagnetic waves, measured in SAR units or Specific Absorption Rate.

Also Read : Symptoms of Brain Cancer In Women

In addition, mobile phone radiation can also cause two effects, namely:
  1. Thermal effect is most often caused by devices that contain electromagnetic waves. In general there will be heat because of the increased temperature. Usually, the brain or blood circulation can prevent the influence of the thermal effect However, the cornea of the eye usually can not stand the heat.
  2. Non thermal effect ie effects that are not caused by heat. It usually even affects the brain to the part of the body close to the antenna. And as a result, glucose metabolism in the blood will increase. According to the American Medical Association, non-thermal effects can be felt in the long run. Such as cerebral hemorrhage, cancer, headache, dizziness, sleep disorders until personality disorder.
Radiation from mobile phones can indirectly damage DNA, because it has a difference with the type of radiation is stronger than X-rays and ultraviolet radiation. At high levels, waves from mobile phones can heat the tissues of the body. But this is not yet certain, whether it can damage human body cells or not.

Other Risks Due to HP Radiation

In addition to the risk of triggering the occurrence of brain cancer, it turns out mobile phone radiation also has adverse effects, on some circumstances namely:

•    Male Reproductive Health

Cleveland Clinic United States states that, sperm production in men is influenced by the frequency of mobile phone usage. The more often men use mobile phones , the greater the likelihood of sperm production is impaired. This conclusion comes from a study involving a sample of 361 men within a year.
According to Dr. Ashok Agarwal, the decrease in sperm production automatically affects the level of fertility in men in generating offspring. Furthermore, for men who use mobile phones within four hours even more each day, will experience a very low sperm production. Based on the info from FoxNews, the number of sperm is decreased due to electromagnetic waves of mobile phones .

•    Pregnant mother

Research at Yale University is studying that the effects of radiation are generated by handheld devices. This is evidenced by experiments on pregnant mice. After doing some research, the conclusions that are produced temporarily is exposure to radiation beam on mobile phone in a certain period it can cause baby to experience negative thing on brain, and at risk of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).
The ADHD is a developmental disorder that causes the activities of children to be unusual and even tend to be excessive in terms of increased motor activity of children.

•    Children

Reports from the International Electromagnetic Field Collaborative, ever conducted research that the results there is the possibility of the emergence of symptoms of cancer due to stimulation of the use of mobile phones, especially for children.
However, as is common in this kind of research, there is no conclusive proof of the conclusions made by these doctors.
For that, in order to avoid the adverse effects of cell phone radiation, it is recommended that:
1.    Store or keep the phone in a safe place and not in direct contact with the body.
2.    Avoid activity with mobile phone when bad signal. Bad signals generally have electromagnetic waves that are much higher.
3.    Wear a hands-free or a headset when talking.
4.    If there is no hands-free or headset , speak by using the sides of the ear alternately.
5.    Keep the phone while waiting for a call. And close in the ear only if there is an answer.

Radiation Effects Cause Cancer Still Pros Cons

So far, the Telkom industry has funded a major study called the Interphone Study. This study states that mobile phones or mobile phones do not cause cancer, unless the use of the phone is too heavy, including children. But the fact is, research does not involve children, so the conclusions themselves are still floating.
Further research is needed to prove the adverse effects of users or heavy users of mobile phones . Although the results are unclear, all parties agree to restrict the use of mobile phones , pending results in recent studies.

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