5 Types of Brain Tumors in Dangerous Children

The type of brain tumor in children is the next information to be delivered on this occasion. Brain tumors are a disease of the flesh growing in parts of the brain and interfere with one's health. The attack of this brain tumor disease does not know the age. Some attack the elderly, adults, even up to the children. Again it needs to be emphasized that brain tumors can indeed attack a child. It is known tumor is a malignant disease and will attack various organs in the human body and cause symptoms of early-stage brain tumors .
The existence of this tumor will cause complications in the damaged organs and no longer work. The pattern of consumption and lifestyle on a regular basis is one way to avoid the emergence of tumors and the human body can develop normally. Brain tumors in children can be caused by many things as well, so knowing some types and causes is the most effective way to prevent the development of brain tumors themselves. But you need to know also what is the difference between tumor and brain cancer , so you do not wrong detect your disease.

Not to mention if the tumor occurs in children, then you need to know what are the causes and types of brain tumors that attack the children themselves. Unfortunately, it is not generally known what kind of brain tumor it is. Therefore, on this occasion will be explained what kind of brain tumor that can attack your child and also with the cause.

Also Read :  3 Differences Tumors and Brain Cancer Most Viewed and Detected

Identify 5 Types of Brain Tumors in Children and Its Causes

Speaking of tumors, of course most people think of it as a malignant disease that can only affect adults. But in fact, tumors can also attack children. One of them is a brain tumor. There are at least 5 types of tumors that can attack the child's brain. You wonder what the eight types are? Consider the following explanation.

1.  Astrocytoma

The first type of tumor is astrocytoma. This one type of malignancy is known to be low if it occurs in children. Furthermore, it is also known that this one tumor disease is more common in children. Be careful because the cause is still being searched.

2.    Brain Glioma

Brain tumor in the second child is brain glioma. That is, this brain tumor occurs in the brainstem and is quite common in children. Like brainstem cancer , it also occurs because there is tumor growth in the brain stem in children aged 10 years and over. The degree of malignancy can develop from low to high.

3.    Ependymoma

Furthermore, there are also types of brain tumors in naka are quite dangerous. Named ependymoma because it is a tumor that exists in the brain with the part that stores fluid. Many are found in teenage children.

4.    Medulloblastoma

One of the most common types of brain tumors found in children is medulloblastoma. This type of brain tumor is known to occur at the age of 5 years and mostly threatens boys. So be careful and avoid all the causes.

5.    Oligodenro Glioma

Finally, you can also know the type of tumor in a child's brain called oligodendroglioma. This type of brain tumor occurs in a large part of the brain and interferes with the membrane that delivers impulses and then becomes the main cause of brain cancer itself. Can also cause chromosomal abnormalities in a person.
So little information about 5 types of brain tumors in children. Actually, if a brain tumor attacks children, it usually will have a different intensity than that of adults. In addition, if a child suffering from a brain tumor is not necessarily a brain tumor it is a malignant tumor that will be the cause of brain cancer in children . Therefore, know the information about the five types mentioned above and prevent as much as possible from spreading.

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