5 Benefits of Young betel nuts For Miss V

Vagina or often referred to as Miss V is the area of femininity that works for the baby's birth canal and also sexually related. This female organs should always be kept well in terms of health and hygiene. One of the natural ingredients that can be used to maintain cleanliness and health of the miss V is young areca nut. This young betel nut is not only good for expelling toxins in the body, getting cold, stimulating appetite, digestive problems and also eliminating phlegm, but also good for female area. In this young betel nut containing many important nutrients such as protein, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron , carbohydrate, anti-bacterial, antioxidant and many more so not only useful for consumption or baluran but also good for maintaining health vagina. Then, what are the benefits of young betel nut to miss V, the following reviews for you.

1.    Get Miss V 

After childbirth, a problem that often affects women is a sagging and unsatisfactory condition of Miss V because muscle muscles in the vaginal area have relaxed and reduced their elasticity. In addition to the benefits of old betel nut , this young areca can be the best solution to close miss V naturally.
•    Prepare 10 pieces of betel leaf, young betel leaf, whiting and 3 pieces gambier.
•    Grow smooth gambir then sliced betel leaf and young betel leaf.
•    Mix all ingredients with 2 liters of boiling water and let stand until the ingredients settle.
•    After the cold, use the water to clear miss V to tighten and make miss V more tight.

2.    Overcoming leucorrhoea 

Whitish or flour albus is a vaginal secretion in women. whiteness is actually experienced by women and is a natural condition because whitish is useful for cleaning as well as protect the vagina from irritation and infection. As for pregnant women, vaginal discharge can also occur when still in contact during pregnancy. But sometimes, whiteness is too much will make the women feel disturbed and uncomfortable. to overcome the problem, you can use the cold water of young betel nut to wash the vagina area so that excessive whiteness can be avoided that khasiatnya similar to the benefits of majakani fruit .

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3.    Overcoming Bad Odor 

Miss V that smells not only can lower the female self-confidence but also a sign of health problems on the Miss V. Smell from the vagina can be different in the menstrual cycle especially after a sweaty activity. To overcome the bad odor on the miss V, you can use the benefits of young areca to wash the area miss V regularly because in the young betel contain anti-bacteria that can kill the germs cause odor in your area of femininity.

4.    Preventing Bacterial Vaginosis 


Bacterial vaginosis is a miss V infection caused by normal flora in the female area is impaired. Women's bodies have good bacteria that are useful to protect the body from the bacteria that cause infections. However, if the number of good bacteria in the Miss V area is reduced, then bacterial vaginosis can occur especially during reproductive periods of 15 to 44 years. Mild infections of this female area can also be overcome by utilizing a young nut or jambe fruit benefits to wash Miss V area because of the bacteria content and antioxidant sources in young betel nut.

5.    Overcoming Vaginal Itching 

An itchy vagina can occur due to the fungus. While the cause of fungus in the area of Miss V can be caused due to many things such as the use of antibiotics in a long time, pregnancy, diabetes is not controlled, the immune system is decreased and so forth. To overcome the itch on miss V because mushrooms, young areca become an effective choice because the anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties contained in this young areca can kill the development of bacteria that cause itching in your area of femininity.

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