6 Causes of Breast Tumors Grow Again Mandatory In Beware

Breast tumors can recur at any time, but most recurrences occur in the first three to five years after initial treatment. Breast tumors may return as local recurrences in treated breasts or near mastectomy scars or as recurrent distant elsewhere in the body. The most frequent recurrence sites are lymph nodes, bones, liver or lungs such as the characteristics of breast cancer spread to the brain . A breast tumor recurrence, or "recurrent breast tumor," is a tumor that has returned to the breast or chest wall of the same or opposite after a period of time when the tumor can not be detected.

Factors and Causes of Breast Tumors Grow Again

During surgery to remove the original diagnosis of a lumpectomy or mastectomy breast tumor, the surgeon removes all visible and perceived tumors. But tests for tumors are not sensitive enough to detect small groups of tumor cells that may be left after surgery. It is possible for isolated cell groups to survive radiation therapy and chemotherapy intended to reduce the risk of recurrence. Even single cells that pass the treatment may be able to multiply and grow into tumors. Breast tumors may return in three general areas:
  1. Breast area where the tumor is diagnosed, this is called local recurrence
  2. Lymph nodes in the armpit or neck area near where the tumor is diagnosed, this is called regional recurrence 
  3. Other parts of the body such as the lungs, bones, or brain, are rare: the opposite breast, this is called a metastatic or distant recurrence
Some doctors believe that local and regional breast tumor recurrences share many of the same characteristics, so they can use the term "locoregional" relapse. Research has shown that the "personality" of the tumor may change when the breast tumor is returned which is one of the causes of breast tumors growing again. For example, hormone-receptor status may change from hormone-receptor-positive to hormone-receptor-negative. HER2 status may also be different from the original breast cancer. If you've been treated for a breast tumor and now have a new diagnosis of recurrent breast tumor, your doctor may want to biopsy the metastatic area to see if there are any changes in hormone-receptor or HER2 status.

Also Read :  Understanding Cancer

How To Know The Causes Of Breast Tumors Grow Again?

If you have been treated for a breast tumor, you should continue to practice breast self-examination, check your treated area and your other breasts every month. You should report any changes to your doctor immediately. Breast changes that may indicate a relapse include:
  • A very different area from other areas of the breast
  • A lump or thickening in or near the breast or in the armpit that persists through the menstrual cycle 
  • Changes in breast size, shape, or contour 
  • Masses or bumps, which may feel as small as peanuts 
  • Areas such as marble under the skin 
  • Changes in taste or appearance of the skin of the breast or nipple, including dimpled, shrunken, scaly, or inflamed skin (red, warm or swollen) 
  • Discharge of bloody or clear fluid from the nipple 
  • Redness of the skin on the breast or nipple
In addition to your own monthly breast self-examination, keep your scheduled follow-up appointments with your doctor. During this appointment, your healthcare provider will perform a breast exam, order labs or imaging tests as needed, and ask for any symptoms you may have. Initially, this follow-up appointment can be scheduled every three to four months. The longer you are free of the tumor, the less often you need to see your health care provider. Keep following your health care provider's recommendations for mammogram (usually recommended once a year).

What Factors Determine the Possibility of Recurrence?

  1. Prognostic indicators are patient characteristics and tumors that can help doctors predict tumor recurrence as breast cancer traits spread to the bone . These are some common indicators: Involvement of lymph nodes. Women who have lymph node involvement are more likely to have a recurrence.
  2. Size of tumor. In general, the larger the tumor, the greater the likelihood of recurrence. 
  3. Hormone receptors. About two-thirds of all breast tumors contain significant levels of estrogen receptor, which means the tumor is a positive estrogen receptor (ER +). ER-positive tumors tend to grow less aggressively and may respond positively to treatment with hormones.
  4. Histological value. This term refers to how many tumor cells resemble normal cells when viewed under a microscope; the rating scale is 1 to 4. The grade 4 tumor contains cancer cells that are very abnormal and grow rapidly. The higher the histological level, the greater the likelihood of recurrence. 
  5. Nuclear class. This is the rate at which cancer cells in the tumor divide to form more cells. High-nuclear tumor cells (also called proliferative capacity) are usually more aggressive (growing faster). 
  6. Expression of oncogenes. Oncogenes are genes that cause or induce tumor changes in the cells. Tumors containing certain oncogenes can increase the chances of the patient to relapse.

How Does My Prognosis Affect Treatment?

After surgery or radiation, your treatment team will determine the likelihood that the tumor will recur outside of the breast. The team usually includes a medical oncologist, a specialist trained in the use of drugs to treat a breast tumor. The medical oncologist, who works with your surgeon, may suggest the use of tamoxifen (tamoxifen citrate, Nolvadex) or possibly chemotherapy. This treatment is used in addition to, but not in place, local breast tumor treatment with surgery and / or radiation therapy such as breast cancer characteristics .

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