Chemotherapy Treatment and Side Effects

Chemotherapy or commonly called chemo is known as a treatment to kill cancer cells . chemotherapy has an important role in fighting cancer cells . However, this treatment method also has few side effects.

The type of chemotherapy treatment certainly depends on the type and location of the cancer as well as whether the cancer has spread to other organs. Chemotherapy treatment also depends on whether you have certain health problems.

Fighting Dangerous Cells

Chemotherapy is one type of treatment used to destroy cancer cells that are harmful to the body. How it works is to stop or inhibit the growth of cancer cells that develop and divide rapidly. Depending on the type of cancer and has reached the stage.
The benefits of chemotherapy, namely:
  • Relieve symptoms. Chemotherapy can reduce tumors that cause pain. 
  • Control. Chemotherapy can prevent spread, slow growth, while destroying cancer cells that develop to other parts of the body. 
  • Cure . Chemotherapy can destroy all the cancer cells to perfect and this prevents the recurrence or development of cancer in the body again.
However, chemotherapy can also affect healthy cells that normally divide rapidly, such as cells in the skin, intestines, and hair. Damage to healthy cells that can cause side effects. However, this generally will soon disappear after chemotherapy treatment is complete.

When Do Chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is sometimes done as the only cure for cancer. However, chemotherapy is often performed in conjunction with surgery, radiation therapy , or other biological therapies. Generally, chemotherapy is done when:
  • Before surgery or radiation therapy, so the size of the tumor becomes smaller.
  • After surgery or radiation therapy, to destroy the remaining cancer cells. 
  • When done radiation therapy and biological therapy, to maximize its effect. 
  • Prevent the return of cancer cell growth or spread ( metastasis ) to other body parts.
How chemotherapy treatment is done depends on the type of cancer suffered, consisting of:
  • Topical. Through cream that is applied to the skin.
  • Oral. Chemotherapy in pill form, capsule, or liquid taken. 
  • Inject. Given by injection of muscle or fat layer, for example in the arms, thighs, or stomach. 
  • Intraperitoneal (IP). Direct chemotherapy is administered through surgical procedures or through a special tube into the abdominal cavity where there is the intestine, liver, and stomach. 
  • Intraarteri (IA). Chemotherapy is directly inserted into the arteries that channel blood to cancer. 
  • Intravenous (IV). Chemotherapy is directly inserted into the veins.

Some Possible Side Effects Arise

Chemotherapy is an effective cancer treatment. Proven to have saved millions of lives. However, chemotherapy has no small side effects.
It is difficult to predict how severe a person will experience the side effects of chemotherapy, because each person has different reactions to the treatment.
Side effects of chemotherapy arise because these drugs do not have the ability to distinguish cancer cells that grow abnormally rapidly with healthy cells that normally also have a rapid development. For example, blood cells, skin cells, and cells in the stomach will experience negative effects due to chemotherapy. Here are the side effects that can occur due to chemotherapy:
•    Hair loss .
•    Pain.
•    Loss of appetite.
•    Nausea and vomiting.
•    Shortness of breath and heart rate disorders due to anemia. Dry skin and feels sore.
•    Bleeding such as easy bruising, bleeding gums, and nosebleeds.
•    Frequent infections.
•    Hard to sleep.
•    Psychological disorders such as depression , stress, and anxiety.
•    Decreased sexual arousal and impaired fertility (infertiltas).
•    Fatigue and weakness throughout the day.
•    Constipation or diarrhea.
•    Sprue.

The important thing to note, the side effects of chemotherapy will soon disappear after treatment is complete.

In addition, the effects of chemotherapy will not cause harmful consequences for health. Although in some cases, the side effects of chemotherapy can be more serious than others. For example the level of white blood cells that decreases rapidly so as to increase the risk of infection.

Also Read : Understanding Cancer

As far as possible avoid yourself from people who are sick or infected during chemotherapy. If you experience symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, chest pain or bleeding while undergoing chemotherapy, see your doctor immediately.

Things that need to be considered

Generally chemotherapy treatment is performed in hospitals to monitor the effectiveness and possible adverse effects of chemotherapy treatment. Although each person has a different reaction after chemotherapy, but most feel tired and tired. Avoid driving your own vehicle or any activity that requires high energy or concentration after a chemotherapy session. Invite family members or friends to accompany you home after chemotherapy.

Many people are still able to work during chemotherapy, depending on the type of work and endurance of each body. But if possible, you can work from home or part-time. Discuss the possibility in your workplace or take time off. You may also need the help of others to take care of children at home while undergoing chemotherapy.

During chemotherapy treatment, you should always consult your doctor when you want to take other medicines, including allergy medicines, herbs, pain relievers, and other medications. Avoid alcohol consumption for at least chemotherapy. Treating dangerous diseases such as cancer is not easy, including when undergoing chemotherapy sessions. As much as possible follow the doctor's advice and avoid the things that can risk interfere with the treatment process to be able to run optimally.

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