9 Foods That Can Prevent Breast Cancer
In addition to hormonal influences, breast cancer can also be influenced by diet. To avoid cancer, make sure you regularly consume these foods.
This October is the month of international breast cancer care. Breast cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases and is the second leading cause of death in women in America.
Cancer research in the UK has estimated that 9 out of 100 cancers can be prevented if you change your eating habits to be healthier. The study also states that the risk of cancer in Japanese citizens is lower because of the food they consume such as fish, vegetables and tea. Even so, Americans and even Indonesia can reduce the risk of cancer by consuming some foods that can prevent breast cancer.
Also Read : Eye Cancer: Understanding, cause, and symptoms
Quoted in Health and Natural World, here are some foods that can prevent you from the risk of cancer.
Fiber is a long-digested part of plant foods. You can find fiber in fruits, vegetables and cereals. Wheat is a good source of fiber for your diet and can help prevent cancer. Not only that, wheat can also reduce estrogen levels in pre-menopausal women so that it can reduce the risk of breast cancer.
25 grams of fiber must be consumed every day to help prevent breast cancer in women who have not yet menopause. Fiber is also a good natural remedy to prevent constipation.
In general, if you consume a plant-based diet, you consume abundant fiber. Some researchers believe that if you consume fiber, you automatically consume less sugar and more antioxidants, which makes you more resistant to cancer attacks.
Flax seeds which also contain fiber can prevent and kill breast cancer. Not only that, flaxseed is also rich in omega 3 fatty acids and this is a special ingredient called lignan. Studies reveal that the lignans contained in flax seeds can help prevent and treat breast cancer.
Fruits are a good source of fiber and antioxidants for the body. Fruits such as oranges, papaya and avocados are rich in vitamins A, C, E and selenium which have effective antioxidant effects.
Antioxidants can prevent chemical reactions that can cause changes in genes and cells. Abnormal cell changes can indicate cancer growth. The changes can occur during the oxidation process when oxygen joins other molecules, so antioxidants work by stopping the formation of cancer cells.
Consumption of carrots, kale, papaya, paprika, kale and tomatoes are foods that you can consume to prevent breast cancer. Carotenoids are natural pigments which have more than 600 different color types in plants and are found in chloroplasts and chromopolas.
Research shows that women who have high carotenoids have a lower risk of developing breast cancer.
Onions, broccoli, black tea (including green tea and oolong tea), dark chocolate and berries including foods that are delicious to eat and are a source of flavonoid compounds that you must consume.
Parsley, chamomile tea and celery are also recommended sources for reducing the risk of breast cancer.
Flavonols and flavones are known as flavonoid protective compounds found in plants. In addition, consumption of vegetables and fruit can be the right step and be the best choice to prevent cancer.
Research has shown that vitamin D has anticancer potential. Women who are rich in vitamin D have lower breast density on a mammogram. Studies show that menopausal women need to consume enough vitamin D to reduce about 70 percent of the risk of breast cancer.
Exposure to sunlight is very important to help the production of vitamin D. Vitamin D can also be found in foods such as fish, fish oil and fortified milk.
The amount of vitamin D needed by each person is different and this is also affected by sun exposure. Older women are usually recommended to consume 800-1,000 IU of vitamin D every day, which also provides protection for their bones. Vitamin D deficiency can also cause dementia.
There are four types of research such as geographical studies, observational studies, laboratory studies, and randomized controlled trials. Reported in Bugarfit, four types of research have found strong evidence that UV B and vitamin D can help reduce the risk of breast cancer.
This October is the month of international breast cancer care. Breast cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases and is the second leading cause of death in women in America.
Cancer research in the UK has estimated that 9 out of 100 cancers can be prevented if you change your eating habits to be healthier. The study also states that the risk of cancer in Japanese citizens is lower because of the food they consume such as fish, vegetables and tea. Even so, Americans and even Indonesia can reduce the risk of cancer by consuming some foods that can prevent breast cancer.
Also Read : Eye Cancer: Understanding, cause, and symptoms
Quoted in Health and Natural World, here are some foods that can prevent you from the risk of cancer.
1. Fiber
Fiber is a long-digested part of plant foods. You can find fiber in fruits, vegetables and cereals. Wheat is a good source of fiber for your diet and can help prevent cancer. Not only that, wheat can also reduce estrogen levels in pre-menopausal women so that it can reduce the risk of breast cancer.
25 grams of fiber must be consumed every day to help prevent breast cancer in women who have not yet menopause. Fiber is also a good natural remedy to prevent constipation.
In general, if you consume a plant-based diet, you consume abundant fiber. Some researchers believe that if you consume fiber, you automatically consume less sugar and more antioxidants, which makes you more resistant to cancer attacks.
Flax seeds which also contain fiber can prevent and kill breast cancer. Not only that, flaxseed is also rich in omega 3 fatty acids and this is a special ingredient called lignan. Studies reveal that the lignans contained in flax seeds can help prevent and treat breast cancer.
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Fruits are a good source of fiber and antioxidants for the body. Fruits such as oranges, papaya and avocados are rich in vitamins A, C, E and selenium which have effective antioxidant effects.
Antioxidants can prevent chemical reactions that can cause changes in genes and cells. Abnormal cell changes can indicate cancer growth. The changes can occur during the oxidation process when oxygen joins other molecules, so antioxidants work by stopping the formation of cancer cells.
3. Carotenoids
Consumption of carrots, kale, papaya, paprika, kale and tomatoes are foods that you can consume to prevent breast cancer. Carotenoids are natural pigments which have more than 600 different color types in plants and are found in chloroplasts and chromopolas.
Research shows that women who have high carotenoids have a lower risk of developing breast cancer.
4. Flavonoids
Onions, broccoli, black tea (including green tea and oolong tea), dark chocolate and berries including foods that are delicious to eat and are a source of flavonoid compounds that you must consume.
Parsley, chamomile tea and celery are also recommended sources for reducing the risk of breast cancer.
Flavonols and flavones are known as flavonoid protective compounds found in plants. In addition, consumption of vegetables and fruit can be the right step and be the best choice to prevent cancer.
5. Vitamin D
Research has shown that vitamin D has anticancer potential. Women who are rich in vitamin D have lower breast density on a mammogram. Studies show that menopausal women need to consume enough vitamin D to reduce about 70 percent of the risk of breast cancer.
Exposure to sunlight is very important to help the production of vitamin D. Vitamin D can also be found in foods such as fish, fish oil and fortified milk.
The amount of vitamin D needed by each person is different and this is also affected by sun exposure. Older women are usually recommended to consume 800-1,000 IU of vitamin D every day, which also provides protection for their bones. Vitamin D deficiency can also cause dementia.
There are four types of research such as geographical studies, observational studies, laboratory studies, and randomized controlled trials. Reported in Bugarfit, four types of research have found strong evidence that UV B and vitamin D can help reduce the risk of breast cancer.