What is Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is a cancer that starts from the liver, and can spread to other organs in the body. This condition occurs when cells in the liver mutate and form tumors. The liver is one of the organs in the body that has many important functions. Among other things is to cleanse the blood of toxins and harmful substances such as alcohol and drugs, produce bile that helps digest nutrients for the body such as fat, and controls blood clotting.

Liver cancer is one of five types of cancer that cause the most deaths. Based on WHO research in 2015, liver cancer is responsible for more than 700,000 deaths, from 9 million deaths from cancer.

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Type of Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is divided into primary liver cancer and secondary liver cancer. Primary liver cancer is a cancer that grows or originates from the liver. The most common type of primary liver cancer is h epatocellular carcinoma . Generally, this type of cancer occurs due to complications of liver disease, such as cirrhosis or liver inflammation ( hepatitis ).

Besides h epatocellular carcinoma , there are also several types of primary liver cancer that are rare, including hepatoblastoma and angiosarcoma . Hepatoblastoma is a liver cancer that only attacks children. While angiosarcoma is a cancer that grows in blood vessel cells in the liver. Another type of primary liver cancer that is rare is cholangiocarcinoma , a cancer that develops in the bile duct.

While secondary liver cancer is a cancer that grows in other organs, then spread to the liver (metastasis). Cancer from other organs can spread to the liver, but the most common are stomach cancer, colon cancer , lung cancer , and breast cancer.

Liver Cancer Stadium

Like other types of cancer, liver cancer is also divided into several stages or stages. This division explains the size and extent of cancer spread. That is, the higher the stage experienced, the wider the spread of cancer in a person.

•    Stadium A

There is one tumor measuring less than 5 cm, or there are 2-3 tumors with a size less than 3 cm. Liver function is still fairly normal or very minimal if disturbed.

•    Stadium B

There are several large tumors in the liver, but have not disturbed liver function. The condition of the patient in general is still good.

•    Stage C

Cancer has spread to blood vessels, lymph nodes, or other organs. At this stage, the patient's condition begins to deteriorate, but the liver is still functioning.

•    Stadium D

Liver cancer is accompanied by a deteriorating physical condition of the patient and impaired function of the liver, regardless of tumor size.

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