9 Early Symptoms of Brain Cancer In Children

Brain cancer is one type of cancer that falls into the world's deadliest cancer group. There are several things that cause why this type of cancer is very deadly, among others:
  • with brain cancer often experience delays in detection. Thus, brain cancer is recognized when cancer cells are spread in most parts of the body.
  • Cancer cells attack the brain, where the brain plays an important role for the coordination center of the human body. In addition, complicated and vulnerable brain structures for injury require extra handling, especially if cancer cells have spread to most of the body. 
  • Spreading cancer cells can provide brain cancer effects in patients such as lowering the condition of the patient quickly, especially in important parts of the body such as nerves, eyes, and glands. 

Brain cancer can affect children and adults. But in this article we will discuss how early symptoms of brain cancer in children. By understanding and understanding the symptoms of brain cancer in children, then you participate in protecting the family. Here are the symptoms and characteristics of brain cancer in Children:

1.    Experiencing severe headaches in frequent intensity

Often the child will complain of a headache that is felt. Great headache, until the child can not get out of bed. This headache is characterized by a pale face, and a reddish eyeball. In addition, not infrequently because it feels very dizzy, the child will feel nauseated.

2.    Experiencing nausea and vomiting

The feeling of nausea arises as the impact that the body undergoes drastic change of condition. In addition, severe headaches often also cause nausea to the sufferer. If dizziness and nausea lasts for a long time, even accompanied by a high fever, then it's good to immediately check the baby to the doctor. Especially if the vomit is greenish color.

3.    Children are seen often dropped suddenly

When running, even standing up, or doing other physical activity, the child is seen starting to fall frequently. Especially if you often encounter in frequent intensity. This is a sign that the child begins to lose his balance. The brain as the center of all human activity, so that if there is an injury or problems in the brain, it will affect the condition of the body in conducting activities.

4.    The child experiences a dramatic decrease in vision ability

Cancer cells in the brain over time will spread to other parts. Because the brain is the center of all body activity, and the closest part of the body is the eye, then the spread of cancer cells in children will be marked by the child's vision began to be disturbed. The signs of eye disorders are:
•    A child's eyeball, unable to move responsively following the direction of moving objects
•    The addition of minus the eye in a very fast period of time.
•    The child's eyes look cross-eyed, indicating there is damage to the eye's nerve to the brain
•    The child begins to complain that his vision is blurred and even dark when the room is filled with light

Also Read : Causes of Brain Cancer in Children

5.    Child's ability to move began to decrease

The ability to move children began to decrease. If you have seen your child very agile in the activity, but suddenly he has difficulty to move the hands and feet, then you need to contact your doctor immediately. To be better if the child complains of pain in the joints in a long period of time, then as an anticipatory action immediately consult a doctor.

6.    Children often forget

With the presence of cancer cells that develop in the brain, indirectly the brain condition will be affected. Moreover, the ability of intelligence can also decrease as the spread of cancer cells.

7.    Often lost consciousness

Cancer cells that spread to the brain, will affect the nervous system in the brain as well as blood vessels in the brain. As a result, all parts of the brain become not functioning optimally. The brain will experience a reduction in nutritional intake. As a result someone who has brain cancer does not close the possibility will often experience loss of consciousness or fainting.

8.    Children tend to be emotional

In the brain, there are parts that serve to regulate emotion that is commonly known as the amygdala. When cancer cells spread to the amygdala, then cancer patients will experience emotional disturbances and even also experience behavioral changes.

9.    Weight is reduced drastically

Sense of dizziness and nausea experienced by children will affect the decrease in appetite. So the child will tend to eat difficult. Thus, the condition of the child will be weaker, weight is reduced drastically, so the child will be susceptible to disease.

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