Causes of Brain Cancer in Children

Brain cancer can be caused by various things, such as the use of addictive substances, lack of nutrition, genetic, radiation, virus, age, even race and ethnicity also affect. Especially in children is basically not many things that cause brain cancer. However, parents should remain alert to changes in the condition of the child, especially if they begin to show early symptoms of brain cancer in children, as has been mentioned. Here are some causes of brain cancer in children:

•    Genetic

Genetic factors are the most difficult to avoid cancer. If you have a family history of cancer, then it's good to take precautions by avoiding all sorts of things that can cause cancer cells to thrive. In addition, genetic factors are the biggest cause of brain cancer in children.

•    Lack of nutrients

The brain has a very complex function, so indirectly the brain also requires adequate nutritional aspins. Why is that? With inadequate nutritional needs of children, the brain will be difficult to regenerate cells so that eventually the brain starts to slowly damage and cancer cells will be active.

•    Radiation

Radiation can cause cell structure changes. So this can cause cancer. The closest radiation is through the smartphone that we often use today. Therefore, as much as possible keep the smartphone from children, even yourself at the time of sleep. In addition, for children undergoing treatment through radiation beam radiation such as cancer chemotherapy should be balanced with the fulfillment of extra nutrients to reduce the effects of radiation. So that children can be protected from brain cancer.

Also Read : 7 Characteristics of Brain Cancer Early Stage Most Dangerous

•    Contaminated with addictive substances

Addictive substances commonly known in the form of drugs, sabu, and so forth. Nevertheless, it is possible that children can develop brain cancer due to consumption of addictive substances. How can? Of course these substances can be incorporated into the food. So from that, do not let your child snack on the roadside or consume food that is less guaranteed cleanliness and health. 
Precautions to overcome the symptoms of blood cancer in children
When you see your child who is starting to show symptoms of brain cancer, of course you do not need to be panicked. There are several steps you can take to prevent the spread of brain cancer:
  1. Providing food preventive brain cancer so that the child's body can form the immune system so as to inhibit the development of cancer cells. In addition, the child's life expectancy is also higher.
  2. Create a pleasant atmosphere so that the child's body is able to produce endorphin hormone so that the child's immunity will increase and also provide a calming effect on the child. 
  3. Perform regular checks to the doctor, in order to control the development of cancer cells so that it can take immediate action if at any time the child's body condition decreased. 
  4. Perform chemotherapy and drug consumption as recommended by physician. 
  5. Protect children from things that can trigger the development of cancer cells, such as cigarette smoke and foods that contain many preservatives.
With the faster action anticipation is done, the life expectancy of the child will be higher.

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