Symptoms of Brain Cancer In Women

The brain is an organ that is very important for humans, because in addition used to think the brain has billions of nerve cells that function to regulate all the functions and systems in the body. If there is a problem in the brain then there will be disruption that occurs in the body, because it is very important to keep the brain is always in good health and protected. Unfortunately with the all-round lifestyle and instant in this day and age, the health of vulnerable brain disrupted, even at risk of brain cancer . Especially for women who now has become commonplace to work out and follow the development of existing technology.

Exposure to pollution, sunlight, fast food to mobile use is often done by most women who live in big cities. It may increase the risk of brain cancer that lately more cases occur. In order to avoid or get immediate treatment if exposed to early symptoms of brain cancer , then women should know the symptoms of brain cancer that often occur as follows.
Symptoms of Brain Cancer In Women

1. Dizziness

Feeling dizzy when tired or stressed may be common, and with the rest of the pain will soon disappear. But it is different if the pain often arises so that other activities become disturbed. So the dizziness should not be underestimated, because it can be dizzy that often occurs and in a long time is a sign of symptoms of brain cancer stage 1 that must be wary of.

2. Irregular menstruation

In women who are still in the reproductive period, each month will definitely face a period of menstruation or menstruation. However, if the woman has brain cancer, the menstrual cycle will also be affected and become irregular. This is because the brain is no longer able to control the system of glands in the body and hormone production becomes unstable. As a result menstrual cycles become noncurrent or irregular. However, these symptoms can also be a sign of cervical cancer . So to make sure we have to go to the hospital to get the right treatment.

Also Read : How to Prevent Brain Cancer

3. Impaired sense of hearing and smell

Brain cancer that has entered the advanced stage will begin to invade and metastasize to other tissues, especially those located close to the brain. Area of the nose, ears and throat is the location closest to the brain so that cancer cells are very vulnerable to attack that part. As a result in patients will experience olfactory disorders and also hearing, even the ears and nose can also feel pain if the disease is getting worse.

4. Often Drowsy To Losing Awareness

Brain cancer will undermine brain cells so slowly the brain function will decrease. The impact of the condition is the eyes easy to drowsy and difficult to concentrate. Even a person who has brain cancer often fainted or lost consciousness because the body's coordination by the brain becomes unbalanced. So if you experience these symptoms should be checked immediately so that not too late to get treatment.

5. Mental Changes

Someone who suffered from brain cancer will slowly start to experience mental changes such as difficult focus, irritability and sadness, insomnia until often feel nausea and vomiting. These symptoms may often be considered a symptom of mild disease, therefore early signs of brain cancer should not be considered trivial, especially for women who often consider it a normal thing before the menstrual cycle.
Well, that's the symptoms of brain cancer in women who are often perceived. The effects of brain cancer in patients is dangerous because it is very important to know the symptoms to be more quickly detected and can determine the medical treatment of brain cancer .

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