Understanding and Treatment Of Swollen Lymph Nodes

Swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy) is a condition when the lymph nodes or tissue clumps of nuts that contain white blood cells have enlarged.

Actually lymph nodes are part of the human immune system that can help fight infection, either caused by bacteria, viruses, or other. Usually when an infection occurs, the lymph nodes will swell to give a mark. After the infection has subsided, the lymph nodes will deflate by themselves.

However, you should still be wary of swollen lymph nodes because this condition can also be caused by conditions that are considered serious. See a doctor if:

  • Lymph nodes feel hard when pressed.
  • Lymph nodes swell for no apparent reason with weakness.
  • The lymph nodes have been swollen for more than two weeks and / or accompanied by an enlarged size.
  • You have a fever that does not subside.
  • You always sweat at night.
  • You experience weight loss for no apparent reason.
  • You experience a sore throat that causes difficulty in swallowing or breathing.
  • Basically, lymph nodes are present throughout our body, but swelling conditions usually occur only in the underarm area, neck, under the chin, and in the groin.
Also Read :  Causes Of Swollen Lymph Nodes

Treatment Of Swollen Lymph Nodes

Actually swollen lymph nodes can heal by itself if the cause is still relatively mild (eg cold or glandular fever). You just need to rest and drink plenty of fluids. To relieve pain symptoms, you can take painkillers that can be bought freely in pharmacies, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.

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If you really need to see a doctor, treatment of swollen lymph nodes will be adjusted to the doctor under the conditions underlying. For example, if the swelling is caused by a bacterial infection, then the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. Similarly, if swelling is caused by an autoimmune disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, then therapy will be focused on treating the underlying disease. Another example is the application of surgical procedures, chemotherapy, or radiation in cases of lymph node swelling caused by cancer.

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