Women Need To Know About Uterine Cancer!

Speaking of cancer, it's already very understand how dangerous this one disease. No exception type of cancer that we will discuss this time, namely cervical cancer. Although not included in the top 10 types of cancer killer women, but it does not mean cervical cancer can be disepelekan. It is important for women to keep knowing the causes and characteristics of cervical cancer, in order to prevent and early detection of this cancer.

Cancer of the uterus or commonly referred to as endometrial cancer, is a type of cancer that attacks the uterus or female reproductive system. This cancer attacks the cells that form the wall of the uterus or in medical terms called endometrium.

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Until now, actually not known with certainty about the cause of the emergence of cervical cancer in women. Even so, there are several factors that allegedly can increase a woman's risk exposed to this condition, among others:
  1. The influence of estrogen hormone . As we know, the hormones that play a role in the female reproductive system are progesterone and estrogen. These two hormones work together to regulate the balance of the reproductive system. However, once a woman has menopause, the production of the progesterone hormone stops completely. While the production of estrogen hormones will still exist, although it also experienced a drastic decline.   On the other hand, estrogen hormone levels will increase if not matched by the production of the hormone progesterone. Because of this condition, the risk of cervical cancer for women who have experienced the menopause will tend to be higher. 
  2. Never been pregnant. When a woman is pregnant, the levels of the progesterone hormone will be at a higher rate than the estrogen hormone. Because of this factor, then women who have never been pregnant usually have a higher risk of uterine cancer. 
  3. Influence of overweight or obesity.  The levels of esterogens present in the body of women who are overweight or obese tend to be higher, thereby increasing the risk of cervical cancer twice as high. This is because the fat tissue will produce additional esterogens, whereas the female body does not produce additional progesterone hormones to compensate. 
  4. Age factor. Most cervical cancers affect women who are elderly and have experienced menopause. 
  5. Women with type 2 diabetes. People with type 2 diabetes will generally experience the condition of obesity or overweight. This is what ultimately triggers the risk of uterine cancer.
  6. Users of drug type tamoxifen. Each drug must have risks and side effects. However, drug type tamoksifen risk increase uterine cancer for its users.
After knowing several factors that can increase the risk of cervical cancer, it is also important to know the characteristics that arise so that the disease can be detected earlier. As for the characteristics of a person suffering from uterine cancer, among others:
1.    Bleeding from the vagina after menopause and beyond the menstrual cycle.
2.    Excessive bleeding during menstruation.
3.    Vaginal secretions of fluid or even blood with a watery texture.
4.    Pain in the pelvis.
5.    Decreased appetite.
6.    Feeling pain during sexual intercourse.
7.    Easily tired.
8.    Pain in the pelvis or in the lower abdomen.
9.    Nausea.
If a woman experiences some of the above symptoms, you should immediately do a self-examination to the doctor to ensure the actual condition. The faster the cancer is detected, the faster the cancer can be treated.

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