3 Health benefits stored in sweet potato leaves

It's no secret that sweet potatoes are one of the root crops that contain many health benefits. Sweet potatoes contain several important vitamins such as vitamin B6 which are important in the metabolism of red blood cells and other body functions. But it turns out not only sweet potatoes that have health benefits, other parts of sweet potatoes, especially leaves also have many benefits.
Researchers revealed that vitamin B6, vitamin C, and vitamin B2 levels were higher in sweet potato leaf tissue than in other parts. Researchers explain that the amount of vitamin B6 in sweet potato leaves is enough to meet the needs of vitamin B6 in its diet.

Here are some health benefits that can be obtained from sweet potatoes and leaves:

1. Keep your immune system active

The iron in the sweet potato and its leaves helps activate the production of white blood cells that increase the resistance of the human body to stress or other health problems. Vitamin D in it is also important to increase energy, maintain mood, and help strengthen immunity.

2. Maintain digestive health

The fiber and magnesium present in the sweet potato and its leaves help to overcome digestive problems. The high fiber in the vegetables is 'friendly' to the stomach and intestines, and is able to prevent constipation.

3. Maintain heart health

Potassium and vitamin B6 contained in sweet potatoes and leaves help prevent heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke. By balancing fluid and electrolytes in the body, these vegetables help maintain heart health.

 Also Read : 10 Benefits of Red Fruit For Cancer & For Health

Those are some of the hidden benefits that exist in sweet potato leaves. Do not just eat sweet potato, sweet potato leaves can also be consumed and mixed with other dishes.

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