Understanding Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled pockets that form in the ovaries. Each woman has two ovaries (ovary), one on the right and one on the left of the uterus. Ovaries that are the size of a walnut seed are part of the female reproductive system.

This organ serves to produce eggs every month (from puberty to menopause ) and produce hormones estrogen and progesterone . Ovarian function can sometimes be disrupted and the cyst is a type of disorder that often occurs.

Ovarian cysts are divided into two main types, one of which is a functional cyst. Functional cysts appear as part of the menstrual cycle. Cysts that are classified as common are harmless and can disappear by themselves.

The second type of cyst is a pathological cyst. In contrast to functional cysts, pathologic cysts contain abnormal cells. In a minority of cases, the abnormal cells are cancerous.

Also Read : Women Need To Know About Uterine Cancer!

Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts

Quite a lot of women have had ovarian cysts. However, cysts generally do not cause symptoms and may disappear by themselves within a few months. However, large or ruptured cysts are at risk of causing serious symptoms that require surgery.
Symptoms of ovarian cysts that need to be aware of include more frequent bleeding than usual during menstruation, irregular menstrual cycles, difficulty conceiving, pelvic pain, pain during intercourse, and difficulty defecating or urinating.

If the ovarian cyst causes symptoms, you may be referred to a gynecologist for further examination (such as an intimate organ examination, ultrasound, or blood test) to confirm the diagnosis .

Treatment Steps to Overcome the Cyst

The cyst will generally disappear by itself in a few months. To be sure, you can undergo ultrasound examination. Here are some factors that determine whether or not the removal of cysts is necessary:
  • The presence or absence of symptoms. About four percent of cyst cases will cause symptoms. If symptoms occur, surgical removal will be recommended.
  • Size and content of cyst. Large, estimated cysts containing abnormal cells need to be removed surgically. 
  • Cysts occur in menopause. Women who have experienced menopause are at higher risk for developing ovarian cancer from cysts.
Patients with cysts who have experienced menopause are advised to undergo blood and ultrasound tests regularly to ensure the loss of cysts in the near future. If not, the cyst needs to be removed through surgery because it has the potential to develop into ovarian cancer.

Impact of Cyst on Fertility

Cysts are often assessed to interfere with a woman's fertility. This assumption is not entirely true because in general the cyst can be removed easily without interrupting the ovary. But for a complex type of ovarian cyst, surgery through surgery can affect the level of fertility of the sufferer.

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