Symptoms and causes of Ovarian Cysts

Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts

The presence of cysts is less likely to cause symptoms. But if the cyst cells are ruptured, large, or clogging the bloodstream to the ovaries, symptoms will appear. Among them:
  • Irregular or altered periods.
  • Pain in the pelvis a few moments before or after menstruation.
  • Pain in the pelvis during sex.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Vomiting, nausea, and breasts become as sensitive as during pregnancy.
  • Difficult bowel movements.
  • The process of digestion is not smooth.
  • The stomach feels bloated .
  • Faster feeling fuller than usual.
  • Bewildered or dizzy .



Although some women will not feel any symptoms, some types of ovarian cysts can be malignant. This is especially likely when new cysts grow after women pass through menopause. Therefore, routine uterine examination needs to be done even if you do not feel any symptoms to avoid some complications such as:
  • Ovarian torsion . Increasing cysts can cause the ovaries to shift from the position that should be, so the risk of ovaries to terpplintir will increase. Conditions terplintirnya ovarium is called torque ovarium
  • Rupture of the cyst , which will cause pain and heavy bleeding in the stomach.

Causes of Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts fall into two main types, namely functional and pathological cysts.

Also Read : Understand Ovarian Cysts

Functional Cyst

Functional cysts appear as part of the menstrual cycle. The most common cysts are rapidly disappearing and harmless. Functional cysts can be divided into two types of corpus luteum cysts and follicular cysts.

The corpus luteum is the cell that produces the hormones estrogen and progesterone after the release of the egg. When the egg's escape hole in the corpus luteum is blocked, fluid buildup occurs. This is what causes the corpus luteum to develop into a cyst.

The corpus luteum cyst will generally disappear within a few months, but it has a risk of rupture. If this happens, this cyst can cause sudden bleeding and illness.
The second type of functional cyst is the follicle cyst. Inside the ovary, the egg grows in a structure known as the follicle. Follicle cysts are formed when the follicle is disturbed and can not release the egg. The follicle swells from full of fluid and becomes a cyst. The follicle cyst can disappear by itself within a few weeks.

Pathological Cysts

This cyst category is not related to the menstrual cycle and arises due to abnormal cell growth. A small part of this cyst can be cancerous.

Dermoid cysts

Dermoid cyst is a type of cyst with abnormal cells are most common in women aged under 40 years.
These cysts can contain all types of human tissues, such as hair, blood, fat, bones, skin, and teeth. This can happen because these cysts come from cells that have not developed into an egg cell. These cells have the ability to transform into any body tissue cells.
Dermoid cysts are generally not malignant, but can grow and enlarge to a diameter of 20 cm so it must be removed by the operation process.

Adenoma cyst

It is a cyst commonly found in women over 40 years old and is formed from ovarian outer tissue cells.
Adenoma cysts can be divided into two groups, namely serous adenoma cysts and mucosal adenoma cysts . Serous adenoma cysts are usually small, but may cause symptoms if they are ruptured. While the size of mucosal adenoma cyst can develop up to 35 cm diameter. These cysts are rarely malignant, but can cause the ovary twisted so that the flow of blood to the ovary was clogged.
In addition to the cause of the cysts discussed above, other factors that can trigger ovarian cyst formation are endometr

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