6 Ways to Get Rid of Warts with Papaya Sap

The skin becomes one part of the body that is susceptible to bacteria, viruses and fungi because it is in direct contact with the air and the environment. Caused by HPV virus, warts become a disease that is often experienced by both women and men ranging from children to adults. The causes of various types of these warts are also easily transmitted, for example through sexual intercourse on genital warts called infectious sexually transmitted infections. A person with low immunity is also susceptible to infection, such as the effect of organ transplants and people with HIV.

Warts are characterized by small meat lumps that usually amount to enough to attack any area of the skin, starting from the hands, neck, armpits, legs, even around the genitals. The HPV virus triggers the buildup of hard protein on the surface of the skin as a lump. The problem for people with warts is the discomfort with the appearance of a lump, although in fact warts do not have too high risk for the body. Warts that attack the genital organs can even cause bleeding when having sex. So for those of you who want to do wart treatment can take advantage of natural ingredients that are quite popular namely papaya latex.

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Papaya is known to have properties ranging from fruit, leaves, seeds, to sap for the field of beauty, health, culinary diversity, and so forth. In this topic, papaya sap will be discussed as a material to be applied in how to remove warts. In certain types of warts for example in the genital area, you need to know also the side effects of genital warts treatment so it can be more careful choose the type of treatment.

Treatment of Warts Naturally

The papaya sap contains proteins or protease break enzymes called papain. The enzyme most commonly found in the sap of papaya fruit is commonly used as raw materials for beauty cream because it can eradicate spots and dirty stains on the face. With a white and soft shape like milk ( silky milk ), you can use papaya sap to treat warts.

Before utilizing papaya sap, you can take papaya sap on the stalks, bone leaves, and stems of healthy papaya and clean. If you buy papaya sap that has been packaged, make sure that the sap is completely natural or contain chemicals just a little. But the sap taken directly from the tree is certainly more guaranteed quality.
Then, you can apply the method of removing warts with papaya sap as follows:

1. Apply and bandage sap

The sap that has been in the form of liquid has the advantage of being easily rubbed or applied to the wart. Here are some ways you can do:
  • But you must clean the surrounding skin first so that bacteria and germs that are still attached can be reduced.
  • This method can also be done without plaster or adhesive, but in applying sap must be a little pressing. But you also have to make sure that the hands and surroundings around you are not dirty, thus increasing the potential of new bacteria and viruses. 
  • Once applied, you can glue the tape or bandage to a suitable size and leave it for 20 to 30 minutes. 
  • This will help the absorption of papaya sap. Finally, open the adhesive to rinse the warts with warm water. This habit will accelerate the erosion of warts if done every day.

2. Adding Vinegar to Papaya latex

The combination of vinegar as another natural ingredient known to effectively eliminate the characteristics of harmful warts with the efficacy of papaya sap is highly recommended. With a few easy steps as follows:
  • Like the method described in the previous point, the ingredients of vinegar and papaya latex can be applied and covered with tape. This herb can only be rinsed after waiting 20 to 30 minutes.
  • If you do this habit regularly, then the characteristics of warts will heal immediately.
Although more complicated, this method is considered more effective than without using apple vinegar, but the comparison between sap and vinegar must be considered to be balanced. In addition, you should also notice the symptoms of warts . If the warts that appear are many in number but scatter individually, each wart is only applied to a little herb. But if the warts appear clustered in one area, the ingredients can be applied a lot to accelerate the overall healing of the warts.

How to remove warts with papaya sap including one way to treat warts naturally that do not contain chemical drugs so side effects are low. Papaya sap is also easy to find around the house or the price can be reached if bought. Unfortunately the way described above can only be done at home only because the sap papaya cause foreign odors and easily sticky or smeared so it can not be done in between the density of activity. In addition, warts experienced by other people may cause feelings of anxiety for those around him so that it would be better if the treatment is done in privacy.
You should not cut or remove warts forcibly because warts will grow back. Although warts cause itching, discomfort, and low self-esteem, but warts are also part of the disease and should be treated appropriately.

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