How to Prevent Eye Cancer

Eye cancer is a cancer that occurs in the area behind the eye that is sensitive to light in the retina.  Eye cancer can affect people of all ages, but in general it affects children younger than 5 years.

Based on the American Cancer Society research, the number of children diagnosed with eye cancer reaches 200 people each year.

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Cancer can attack one or both eyes by spreading to the eye bag and to the brain (through the visual nerve).

What caused it?

What causes cancer in the eye organs?

In a website that also mentions this cancer states that the cause is genetic mutations or genes, can also be caused by a lack of pigment on the edge of the eyelid, exposure to sunlight for too long, especially by the influence of strong ultraviolet radiation, or malnutrition.

How are the symptoms?

What are the symptoms? Eye cancer is now classified as a rare cancer, but even so, must remain vigilant. Even this cancer can attack children.  In children aged 5 years or at an earlier age, but in children under the age of 4 years must pay special attention to eye reflective.

If you find reflective eyes are not normal or there are protruding eyes in a lump, you should immediately be taken to the eye hospital,  if a severe injury occurs, early treatment should be done immediately. For early diagnosis of eye cancer will get a relatively high chance of treatment.

What is the treatment of eye cancer?

What are these cancer treatments ? Because eye cancer refers to one type of cancer, therefore, in terms of medical treatment methods all cancers can be done on cancer of the eye organs.
  1. Surgery
  2. Coagulation therapy:
  3. Radiation therapy
  4. Chemotherapy
  5. Imunotheraphy tumor:

What is the best treatment method?

If the cancer is very large, the surgical method can no longer be done. The best treatment is to use chemotherapy or with traditional cancer drugs. Because using herbal remedies often also gives amazing results.

How to prevent and treat this cancer?

We recommend that you prevent this cancer. If you find cancer in the eye organs in children there is no way to prevent it. But through training for pediatric ophthalmologists, doctors can save children from blindness and death. for adults, usually pay attention to eye hygiene, check regularly to ensure the health of our eye organs.

Those are some explanations for cancer in the eye organs. Thank you and hope this article about eye cancer is useful for you!.

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