12 Types of Male and Female Genital Diseases

Venereal disease is a disease caused by bacteria that spread through sex or a needle that has been contaminated with the disease. If you hear venereal disease, things will appear in your mind. It is no longer a secret if most venereal diseases are very dangerous and difficult to cure. Learn more about the following types of venereal diseases.

Types of Genital Diseases

Male and female venereal diseases tend to be transmitted through unprotected sex and an unhealthy lifestyle such as being lazy to take care of yourself. The following are the most common types of male and female venereal diseases:

1. Gonorrhea or Chlamydia

This type of venereal disease is caused by bacteria, the infection starts a few days to a few weeks after an intimate relationship with a person who has contracted this venereal disease. Male genital disease causes discharge from the pubic stem.

When urinating can be painful, but symptoms of venereal disease can sometimes not be felt. While the symptoms of gonorrhea in women are usually very mild or not felt at all, but if left untreated this venereal disease can become severe and cause infertility. This venereal disease can be cured with denature herbal medicine.

2. Herpes

This venereal disease is caused by Herpes Simplex Viruses (HSV), symptoms of genital herpes occur between 3 to 10 days after having sex with people with this venereal disease. The initial symptoms appear like blisters which then open into small and runny holes, within 5 to 10 days the symptoms will disappear.
HSV persists in the body and can arise again sometime. Women often do not realize that he has herpes because abrasions occur inside the vagina.

3. Venereal fungal infections

This type of venereal disease is caused by fungi, which causes itching and are red under the skin of the calamine of uncircumcised men. In women, there will be a thick white liquid that causes itching. Can be cured with antifungal creams. One medicine for male genital disease is simply by using warm water twice a day, focusing on the genitals.

4. Syphilis

Caused by bacterial lesions, syphilis venereal disease appears between 3 weeks to 3 months after having sex with this person with venereal disease. The wound looks like a hole in the skin with a higher edge, generally it doesn't hurt. The wound will disappear after a few weeks, but the virus will remain in the body and this venereal disease can appear in the form of abrasions throughout the body. These blisters will disappear too, and the virus will attack other parts of the body.

Syphilis can be cured at each stage with herbal medicines, in women the lesion can be hidden in the vagina.

5. Vaginitis

Vaginal infections that usually cause discharge from the vagina that smell and cause discomfort, are caused by various types of bacteria (bacteria gonorrhea, chlamydia) or fungi. It can also be caused by various harmful bacteria that do stay in the vagina, vaginal fluid can be examined using a microscope. In general, it can be cured with the right medication according to the cause.

6. Boils

Boils are caused by the Human papillomavirus (HPV), appearing in the form of one or many ulcers or lumps between a month to a year after having sex with those who suffer from venereal disease.

In general, it cannot be seen in women because it is located inside the vagina, or in men because it is too small. Can be tested with a  layer of vinegar. This type of venereal disease can have serious consequences for women because it can cause cervical cancer. The good news, this genital boil can be cured, women must run a pap smear every time they change intimate partners.

7. Genital lice

Very small (smaller or equal to 1/8 inch), brownish gray in color, settling on pubic hair. Can be cured with liquid drugs rubbed on genital hair.

8. Lice under the skin of the genitals

Similar to genital lice, but smaller in size and settled under the skin. This venereal disease causes small and itchy wounds throughout the body. This disease can be treated with liquid drugs that are rubbed throughout the body. Clothing, sheets and towels must be washed after treatment, because fleas can stay on the cloth.


Venereal disease due to the most serious intercourse, causes the immune system not to work. There are no real symptoms without blood research, can cause death after ten years after being infected with the HIV virus. This venereal disease is transmitted through intercourse and the use of needles simultaneously.

10. Chlamydia

Chlamydia or chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis). These bacteria only infect humans. Chlamydia is the most common cause of venereal and eye disease infections. This is also the most common PMS bacteria.
Women with chlamydia usually have no symptoms. Any symptoms are usually not specific and may include:
  • Bladder infection
  • Changes in vaginal fluid
  • Mild lower abdominal pain
If clamycia is not treated immediately, it can cause the following symptoms:
  • Pelvic pain
  • Sexual intercourse that is painful, either intermittently or at any time
  • Bleeding between menstrual periods

11. Hepatitis B

The hepatitis B virus (HBV) causes sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), which are transmitted through contact with infected sperm, blood, and other bodily fluids. The hepatitis B virus is transmitted in the following ways:
  •  Unprotected sex
  • Using non-sterile syringes
  • Accidentally pierced by sharp objects
  • Drink infected milk
  • Bitten by someone with hepatitis B
The liver swells, and an individual can experience serious liver damage as a result of the hepatitis B virus. This can eventually cause cancer, and this disease can sometimes become chronic. Blood donation centers always check to make sure that each donor does not have hepatitis B.

12. Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD) that can affect both men and women. However, women are more likely to experience symptoms. This infection is caused by the parasite of single-celled protozoa, Trichomonas vaginalis.

For women, the vagina is the most common place of infection, whereas in men it occurs in the urethra. Transmission can occur either through sexual intercourse or vulva-to-vulva contact.

While women can get infections from male or female sexual partners, men are almost always infected from having sex with women.

Trichomoniasis symptoms include:
  • Bad smell
  • Leucorrhoea
  • Pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse
  • Pain when urinating

A woman with trichomoniasis is more likely to develop HIV after being exposed to the virus. A woman with trichomoniasis and HIV is also more likely to transmit the HIV virus to other sexual partners.

Those are the types of venereal diseases that are important for you to know. When experiencing the symptoms mentioned above, see a doctor immediately, Healthy Friend!

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