30 Characteristics of HIV AIDS in Children, Men and Women

HIV AIDS is a disease caused by a virus called human immunodeficiency virus. This type of virus can be transmitted quickly through several ways such as sexual contact with patients who have been infected, blood contact such as the use of needles and blood donors, blood relations from infected mothers to the fetus, normal birth and breastfeeding. After the virus enters the body it destroys all CD4 cells, the type of white blood cells that work to help the body fight infection. That's why the body of people with HIV AIDS will continue to weaken and be vulnerable to infection.

Characteristics of HIV AIDS in Infants and Children

HIV AIDS infections in infants and children are generally obtained from mothers who have been infected with the virus during pregnancy, during normal delivery and breastfeeding. The treatment for pregnant women who are infected with the virus against the fetus and child must indeed be very concerned. Other causes that can make babies and children affected by HIV AIDS are blood transfusions, needles and other relationships.

The following are some characteristics of HIV AIDS in infants and children:

1. Bad Body Growth

Babies and children usually will not show enough symptoms of HIV AIDS. One of the main problems that is easily recognizable is when babies and children do not have a normal growth chart. Babies and children will look thinner. Weight checks carried out every month do not show significant progress.

2. Slow development
The development of babies and children is usually monitored every month to get clear data. In Indonesia monitoring the development and growth of infants and children under five years old is monitored in the posyandu program. But babies and children who are indeed infected with HIV AIDS will have poor development and growth. Babies and children will be seen with developments that are not in accordance with the standards. This is the most recognizable symptom.

3. Frequent seizures

Seizures signal that the baby's body and children experience problems, especially in the nervous system and brain. Seizures usually occur most often when children experience heat which causes the body to react very severely. But babies and children affected by HIV AIDS have a very weak body so that seizures will occur more frequently. This condition requires special care because the infection may have spread to parts of the brain. (read also: danger of epilepsy that causes seizures)

4. Ear infections
Infants and children affected by HIV AIDS are very vulnerable to ear infections. Ear infections are caused by a virus that has weakened the system in this organ. Before developing an infection it usually starts with several symptoms such as hot body, sore throat and fuss. To overcome this, babies and children must be taken to the doctor to get drugs that can cure the infection. (read also about: pharyngitis )

5. Diarrhea

Diarrhea is the most common problem for infants and children affected by HIV AIDS. Diarrhea is caused because a viral infection has caused the digestive organs to not function properly. There are many bad bacteria that have developed in the digestive system. Even this condition also occurs in adult sufferers. Controlling food and drink in infants and children will help the body not to get excessive diarrhea.

6. Thrush

Thrush that occurs in infants and children will be more common in people with HIV AIDS. This is because fungal infections often occur because the body has a very weak immune system. Sprue is caused by candida fungi that develop in the mouth. To prevent sariwan, oral hygiene must be considered properly.

7. Fever

Fever for children and infants who suffer from HIV AIDS actually occurs because, the immune system is very weak. This condition of fever will cause the body to become weaker, while babies and children are also fussy. Examination to find out further infections that occur in the body is very necessary. Some babies and children are also usually advised to stay in a hospital.

8. Dehydration

Infants and children affected by HIV AIDS also tend to be more dehydrated. This condition is caused because the body needs more water. The metabolic system that has been problematic causes babies and children to experience a lack of water absorption. In addition, babies and children will also be very vulnerable to food and drinks that enter the body. Dehydration will cause the body to become very weak and need special attention. (read also: danger due to lack of drinking )

9. Lung infections

Lung infections occur in infants and children who have suffered from HIV AIDS for a while. This is because the lungs have an infection caused by fungi. Fungi can enter the respiratory tract from the outside such as intermediaries of air or various moldy objects that are in direct contact with the hands and respiratory tract. Symptoms of lung infections such as difficulty breathing, very heavy breathing, irritability and a very weak body. Hospital care is very necessary to cure infections and reduce the risk of spreading infection.

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Characteristics of HIV AIDS in Men

Adult men affected by HIV AIDS will develop traits after the first infection that makes the immune system begin to weaken. Here are some signs that can be considered:

1. Severe Flu

The severe flu in men who suffer from HIV AIDS usually occurs in the first 2 weeks after the virus enters the body. This condition is affected because people who do not have the HIV virus will have an HIV virus in their bodies. Symptoms that are similar to flu often are not noticed. This very common symptom usually lasts for more than two weeks. After that the flu will heal and the body will look fresher but actually the virus has developed and caused infection in the body.

2. Headaches

Headaches that often occur in people with HIV AIDS, especially in men, will occur at an early stage. This condition will cause the body to be very weak. Headaches can be like a feeling of spinning, pain to see various objects and discomfort. Medication for headaches can only work briefly so that symptoms will continue to occur.

3. Fever
A fever of more than 38 degrees Celsius can be a very serious sign of HIV AIDS infection. Fever will occur suddenly or appear together with other symptoms such as being attacked by influenza. This condition is caused by the body receiving a virus that will spread in the body and cause infection. Actually the body tries to underwrite infection but the HIV virus is too strong in the body. Fever will occur more often when the immune system continues to decline.

4. Shivering at Night

The body's metabolic system also experiences interference due to the entry of the HIV virus into the body. The initial sign that often occurs is like shivering and cold sweat at night. The gland system and body's metabolism undergo enormous changes. So even though the body actually feels very cold but is accompanied by more cold sweat.

5. Very Tired Body
The feeling of the body that feels very tired will cause the body to become uncomfortable. This symptom occurs after HIV develops into AIDS and when HIV enters the body. This reaction is very reasonable because the body does not have a good immune system. White blood cells that are supposed to fight infection are actually attacked by the HIV virus. This condition will make the body feel very tired and difficult to do various jobs.

6. Muscle aches

Pain in all parts of the body's muscles do often occur in men who suffer from HIV AIDS. The reason is when the muscle is unable to fight the pain caused by a virus that has developed in the body. Feelings of pain can occur at any time and will cause productivity to decrease. The condition can get worse when the body also experiences other symptoms such as fever and causes of headaches .

7. Black rash on the skin of the body

Almost all body skin, especially in the arms, face, legs and stomach can occur in men who suffer from HIV AIDS. This condition is caused by the skin of HIV AIDS sufferers will be very weak and susceptible to infections such as fungi on the skin. The rash can be black or red. If scratched it can cause injury and infection.

8. Throat pain
Sore throat is the initial symptom of HIV AIDS infection. Pain in the throat is caused by a virus that has entered the body. These symptoms are usually not very well known and are more visible as flu symptoms . Usually at the initial stage, these symptoms will heal for approximately two weeks. But the condition can be more severe if you do not get the right medicine to deal with the infection.

9. Swelling of the lymph nodes
Lymph nodes work to fight all infections that occur in the body. This gland works by helping the body produce white blood cells to fight infection. When white blood cells continue to be destroyed and attacked by the HIV virus, the lymph nodes work very hard. As a result it causes severe swelling and pain.

10. Shortness of breath

The cause of chest shortness of breath accompanied by a dry cough for a long time usually occurs in the final stages of HIV infection. Shortness of breath and cough can not be treated with various types of ordinary cough medicine. This can be caused by the body having an infection from the bacteria that enters the lungs. Worse symptoms are characterized by increasingly difficult breathing, coughing up phlegm and pain in the chest when breathing.

11. Diarrhea

Diarrhea can appear at an early stage after the body has HIV infection and also during the development of symptoms and the final stage of AIDS. Diarrhea is a sign of an acute infection that causes the body to find food and drink difficult. Diarrheal infections will develop over a longer period of time, up to several weeks. Symptoms of diarrhea are usually accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, night sweats, fever, muscle aches and sore throat. Intestinal infections can occur due to several causes such as bacteria and excessive bacterial growth in the large intestine.

12. Vision Blurred
Generally men with HIV AIDS will experience a decline in the long-term immune system. This problem will then cause pressure on the part of the eye which can cause the eyes to be susceptible to infection. Blurred vision in people with HIV AIDS can be caused by:
  • Retinopathy: this is bleeding that occurs as a result of a blockage in a part of a blood vessel that appears on the part of the retina.
  • CMV Retinitis: this is an infection of the retina of the eye caused by a type of cytomegalovirus virus. Symptoms are indicated by swelling of the retina, bleeding of the eyes and blurred vision.
  • Retinal detachment: cytomegalovirus virus can also cause the retina to detach from the eye causing permanent eye damage. Re-placement of the retina can be done by surgery.
13. Decrease in Weight
Weight loss will continue to occur in people with HIV AIDS who do not get regular treatment. This can also be caused by the body losing human nutritional needs and poor appetite. The causes of weight loss are:
  • Viruses invade the body and then increase metabolic processes that are difficult to control. 
  • Viruses attack the intestine which causes the intestine to not absorb the nutrients that enter the body.
  • Severe intestinal infections that cause continuous diarrhea.
  • It is difficult to eat like an infection that causes a sore throat and causes mouth ulcers .
  • Use of drugs to treat viruses that have side effects of weight loss and suppress appetite.

Characteristics of HIV AIDS in Women

Some characteristics of HIV AIDS found in men are not necessarily found in women. In fact this also applies the opposite. The most common cause of women being exposed to HIV AIDS is free sexual relations or partners who have a pattern of free sexual relations. Usually women become victims, so they are very vulnerable to depression . Here are some characteristics that can be identified:

1. Heavy Flu

After two weeks the virus enters the body and can cause a woman's body to experience various asymptomatic attacks. Various types of flu symptoms can occur easily and can even take place suddenly. The most recognizable symptoms are such as mild flu, fever, headache, weak body, sneezing and mild coughing . These initial symptoms will disappear soon after the virus actually enters the body but actually the virus develops and is ready to attack white blood cells.

2. Swelling of the lymph nodes

Everyone has lymph nodes that do have benefits that are very important for health. Lymph nodes are located in the neck, armpits, groin and back of the head. Lymph nodes function to attack infections that enter the body. When the HIV virus has spread into the body, it makes the lymph nodes work very hard. This will cause the lymph nodes to swell for several months. Treatment according to body condition is very necessary.

3. Infection

HIV AIDS will indeed make the immune system continue to weaken. This condition will make the body very vulnerable to infection from bacteria, germs and other viruses. Nothing can prevent infections that appear on the body of people with HIV AIDS. The act of maintaining cleanliness and a good diet can make the infection not easily attack the body. Here are the types of infections that can occur in the body:
  •  Lung infection or pneumonia
  • Tuberculosis
    • Hepatitis C
    • Kidney infection
    • Urinary tract infection
    • Digestive infections
    • brain infection
    • Skin infections.
4. Severe Fever

Women who have HIV AIDS infection will be more often attacked by fever. Fever can appear suddenly or along with other symptoms. The temperature that is considered the lightest is around 38 degrees Celsius. Fever can also occur with cold sweat at night. Sometimes many sufferers who do not pay attention to fever because of causes that are difficult to find.

5. Reproductive Disorders
Women who suffer from HIV AIDS are also very vulnerable to reproductive health problems. The causes can vary greatly according to the problems that occur. These various problems can arise in the early stages, mid to late. Even this disease can be one of the causes of severe complications in the final stages of AIDS. Some problems that often occur are like:
  • Irregular menstrual cycles due to egg cell problems and unbalanced hormone production
  • Bacterial infections that attack the vaginal and internal reproductive organs
  • Sexually transmitted infections can be caused by chlamydia, gonorrhea and HPV
  • Cervical cancer that can be caused by HPV
  • Various types of pelvic inflammatory disease

6. Skin Health Problems

Skin health problems are very vulnerable for women who suffer from HIV AIDS. This condition is caused because the skin is easily affected by types of skin diseases such as irritation and fungi. Some of the most common symptoms include the appearance of a rash and spots on the armpit, anus, genitals, mouth and ankles or hands. The rash can develop into a lump and the skin becomes more easily injured.

7. Severe Advanced Symptoms

After HIV develops into AIDS, the body will show various types of advanced symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms are like:
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Gag
  • Headache
  • Muscle ache
  • Body tired
  • Chronic cough
  • Out of breath
  • Cannot swallow
  • Joint pain

8. Final symptoms of AIDS
When a woman with HIV AIDS has entered the final stage of AIDS or a virus has caused serious health problems, the patient can experience various types of symptoms. This happens when the body does not have an immune system to fight viral infections. Some of the most common disorders are:
  • Memory loss or memory, both long and short term
  • Always confused and impossible to live alone
  • Mental is very weak and causes loss of understanding ability to life
  • Coma
  • Various types of cancer are very malignant and often cause sudden death

Facts About HIV AIDS in the World

  1. HIV is a virus that can cause infection in the body and then weaken the immune system. This infection will then cause the body's ability to fight infection to weaken to helplessness.
  2. AIDS is a condition when HIV has caused the body's condition to be very weak because it has been controlled by a virus. This condition is described by a body that has suffered from various complex diseases such as cancer.
  3. HIV AIDS is classified as a contagious disease in several ways such as:
    1. free sex through both the vagina, anus and mouth of the person affected by the infection
    2. Blood transfusion from the blood of people who have been infected with HIV AIDS
    3. Using needles and various equipment that causes blood contact from people with HIV AIDS (read also: the dangers of drugs )
    4. Transmission from pregnant women to the fetus or during labor and breastfeeding.
  4. Even though HIV AIDS is a contagious disease but you can do various prevention methods, such as:
    1. The use of condoms for people who often have free sexual relations
    2. Always carry out an HIV AIDS test if it is indeed susceptible to transmission
    3. Avoid all types of direct contact with syringes except for new syringes
    4. Test blood if you need a blood transfusion. 
  5. The highest case of death in the world due to HIV AIDS due to infection with TB symptoms, namely the type of active TB.

The various types of symptoms and characteristics of HIV AIDS are not always easy to understand. Many sufferers who initially only consider it as an ordinary health disorder. Tests must be performed by a medical person before giving a diagnosis. So the introduction of symptoms or features can only be done to encourage early examination.

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