Why Does It Get Genital Itching?

Pubic itching can be very disturbing, it can even make you feel awkward when you experience it at the wrong time. By knowing what are the possible causes, it allows you to anticipate this and overcome it .
Generally, pubic itching is not a serious condition and needs to be worrying too much. However, that does not mean it can be underestimated. Because, itching that appears can also be caused by certain diseases that require treatment.

Finding Out the Cause

Itching in the female and male genitals is generally not too different, except for certain causes.


Itching in the female genitals or vaginal itching , may be a feature of the occurrence of fungal infections, bacteria, or other conditions. Here are some possible causes of itching:

  • Cream or vaginal rinse liquid.
  • Unstable estrogen levels in women before 
  • Sanitary napkins during menstruation. 
  • Chemicals from soap or other body cleaning products. 
  • Leucorrhoea.
  • Clothing (including underwear) that is too tight, or made from not absorbing sweat. 
  • Sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, warts, and herpes. 
  • Scabies . 
  • Skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis . 
  • Detergent. 
  • Toilet paper. 
  • Stressful.


It is not uncommon to itch the male genitals or penis itching , followed by other symptoms, such as burning or other discomfort. Some common causes include:
  • Fungal infections, such as ringworm .
  • Sexually transmitted disease. 
  • Scabies. 
  • Hair lice 
  • Underwear that is too tight. 
  • Allergic reactions. 
  • Irritant reaction. 
  • Balanitis 
  • Dermatitis such as simplex, seborrheic and atopic dermatitis

Overcome Right

Pubic itching, needs to be treated according to the cause. If itching is irritating, don't hesitate to consult a doctor, with a complete physical examination and medical tests such as a urine test , the underlying cause can be known and appropriate treatment is ensured.
If you have a fungal infection, an antifungal drug is needed. These drugs can be in the form of creams, ointments, or some are taken orally or taken by mouth. If pubic itching occurs due to bacterial infections such as gonorrhea in sexually transmitted diseases, antibiotics are needed.

Some typical causes of women, such as perimenopausal conditions or due to the use of contraception . Talk first about the best solution with your doctor. Vaginal itching when perimenopause can be treated using estrogen creams or tablets.
Whereas if it is caused by a particular contraceptive method, consider replacing it with another option. Stress is known to have a detrimental effect on the immune system. This can increase the risk of developing fungal infections in both men and women. Stressful conditions also cause psychological problems, in some people this triggers itching in the body.

Relieves discomfort

Maintaining cleanliness in the genital area is no less important than other body parts. When pubic itching is very annoying, you can do a number of things as follows:
  • Avoid scratching the itchy genitals. You can pat or gently press.
  • When taking a bath, it's better to use plain water than hot water. You should not take a bath for more than 20 minutes. 
  • If it's really annoying, you can compress with cold water in the itchy area. 
  • Wash clothes in mildly formulated detergent without many additional chemicals such as 
  • For women, after urinating, rinse from front to back to avoid bacteria from the anus being carried to the genitals. Similarly, when after defecation. 
  • Avoid using soap that uses perfume. 
  • Choose underwear that is not too tight and made of cotton. Change at least every 24 hours. 
  • Avoid unprotected sex , especially when you or your partner has an infection or other venereal disease.
Avoid discomfort from itching in the genitals with appropriate handling. If symptoms continue or get worse, immediately see a doctor to find the best solution.

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